A fountain in the Tay. Sounds simple...
A cheap transport system, trams, trains, Buses....
Clean up the faces of the city...
Roller Disco in the square :)
I think all the trees in the...
I would love to see the city...
the christmas lights to spread out from...
A thriving Dundee Airport with a good...
an "alternative" literary festival that showcases the...
More music festivals along the lines of...
a statue to the man who gave...
more outdoor family friendly activities like the...
...some kind of cultural trail that pulls...
Something along the lines of the Edinburgh...
Dundee for Davis Cup! Build a custom-built...
cultural 'areas', pedestrianised parts of the city...
An annual Peh Festival drawing in all...
Mary Berry at the Berries, or celeb...
Regular (weekly/twice monthly) markets offering local people...
A series of large 'halls' designed by...
Weekly Saturday afternoon music recitals in the...
A dancing fountain and light show to...
A beautifully designed City of Culture Pier...
Greater caring for those on the margins...
Open air cinema in the City Square.
A 25 hour bakery
a multi-use performance space for artist residencies,...
I'd love to see (hear) people sitting...
The culture of outdoor play celebrated by...
I'd love to see the Royal Arch...
The Dundee Jam Festival.
Even wider engagement between the University and...
More free community events in the centre...
An open air performance stage/screen for a...
To integrate the forthcoming international conference on...
More creative, artistic and environmental projects and...
a huge festival spanning days or weeks...
a bridge for people to stroll across...
A grand mural (a la Belfast) to...
the city maximise the use of its...
a boat parade.
Self guided tour of the city with...
All about 'connecting' - River & City,...
How about setting up a comics archive...
DDS (Dundee Dramatic Society) perform in grander...
a Hogmanay to remember! Fireworks, celebrations, something...
A new clock face on the Old...
Free 12 hour cultural event, that will...
a festival of design, such an important...
Citizen workshops for future urban planning.
An annual Accordion Festival to match Glasgow's...
Boat trips to Fife for pleasure and...
More trees in the city centre. Lined...
Celebrate the "Silvery Tay" by having a...
The new V&A!
Rebuild the a Royal Arch.
A Dundee version of the Cow Parade....
A genes and games jam using the...
That whatever the outcome of the bid,...
the old arcade underneath the city square...
More business incubators such as Vanilla Ink...
a network of advertised and signposted OFF...
Waking tours with diverse themes - emphasising...
our art school develop closer links with...
The world to be taught how to...
A mobile performance by an orchestra on...
Bonny Dundee - well lets make it...
A full scale production of Aida -...
trees with lights all over them all...
Commission a play about women in factories...
The City Square... hosting an every weekend...
Start the year 2017 with a massive...
A museum/memorial should be built to commemorate...
An amazing array of local arts and...
Art students let loose on an area/areas...
A new world-class football stadium shared between...
Dundee through the ages, start from the...
Art stalls along the riverside. We have...
one off light up the road bridge...
a big cinema in the city centre!
Bio - Collosus. David Mach's 90-foot nude...
A bike rack on the front of...
All Dundonians who can speak another language...
The city being the hub of traditional...
A beautiful unspoilt waterfront which has an...
a small pedestrianised area of the city...
The start of the Tour de France...
Good lighting at the waterfront to make...
Giant art in the Tay; e.g. life...
More public art like a statue to...
a big concert venue like the AECC...
Camperdown Park to host a theme park...
Something associated with the 77 who lost...
JUTE JAM and JOURNALISM is what Dundee...
A sculpture of Oor Wullie on his...
A Horrible History of Dundee attraction in...
Giant transformer like robots that protect the...
A series of gigs on the Discovery...
Imaginative use of public lighting and projection...
Abertay & Dundee Universities working much closer...
..an expansion of the Doors Open Days...
Whaling in the Tay! An exhibition and...
A positive and vibrant city that can...
A huge restaurant built in the Tay...
To show that Dundee fowk are incredibly...
storytelling by moonlight - a ghost tour.
a vibrant waterfront with an established cafe...
Better use of the wonderful waterfront. A...
the river side opening of the new...
A river of light as torch bearing...
Do more with Camperdown Park. Build a...
Dundee City Centre connected to the beautiful...
Lasting regeneration of areas such as the...
a firework display on the 2 bridges...
Street celebration and party, fireworks. Scottish traditional...
Community art technology projects courtesy of Abertay...
Amazingly talented teenage Dundee band, Drenched, have...
A marked walking trail, taking in all...
A cart race. Fae the tap o'...
An entire industrial city region transformed into...
The highest zip-line in the UK from...
- a world record of some sort...
More activities such as saturday fairs with...
A hot air balloon son et lumiere...
More made of dundee's historical heroes such...
open air free concerts in the city...
An outdoor swimming lido at City Quay.
A 'dance in the museum' or 'play...
a fireworks display on the Tay Rail...
Dundee's young & old given a 'masterclass'...
more regeneration - some of our older...
The Royal Arch rebuilt . It was...
either a full athletics meet, or one...
...the derelict warehouse buildings redeveloped into low-rent...
Ballet and/or opera based on the frivolity,...
DUNDEE DAY....a massive Carnival in the town...
Soundscape ecology centre
Tayside tandems (forget your Boris bikes), free...
Royal Arch rebuilt as was magnificent piece...
I would love to see a Prom...
Dundee's wonderful Mills Observatory being given a...
I would love to see the Ower...
Murals on gable ends everywhere, but especially...
A celebration ceremony of the history of...
A vibrant city rivalling Edinburgh & Glasgow...which...
riverside places to explore, discover and interact...
a Red Bull Air Race on the...
More of the gorgeous old empty buildings...
Design and create a Dundee app. The...
Hop-on-hop-off buses running from Shore Terrace on...
Works of art by Dundee artists or...
Posters of key works of art from...
a festival of creativity. One piece each...
I would like to see rickshaw's or...
A main youth centre, to tell them...
a high class touring caravan site so...
Inspiring and individual creative small businesses in...
Community Groups should reprise Witches Blood -...
Chinese lanterns let off all around Dundee...
a city that attracts and retains the...
Water leisure activities. I would love to...
Events happening around Local community groups and...
An exhibition of Albert Watson's work or...
More people living in the centre of...
Making more people aware of what goes...
A gable endy trail in Dundee. Artists...
More people getting involved in clubs, societies,...
The waterfront development to be loved for...
The Rail bridge being made much more...
Boat trips up the Tay to the...
A great wee jazz festival
A Beano/Dandy theme park. Build on the...
Regular operetta played at Unicorn.
I would really like to see a...
The Royal Arch rebuilt and the space...
Small café's dotted along the riverside (obviously...
a City Centre museum to DC Thomson...
Vibrant waterfront cafe's, restaurants, bars and disco's...
more connectivity with the river - being...
Random illumination - 50 places (buildings, statues,...
A DC Thomson tourist trail of cartoon...
To put the road from Dock Street...
A legacy of people being more aware...
Dundee building on Discovery's legacy and fully...
information boards around the city celebrating the...
The tunnel through the Law (Hill) re-opened...
The Murraygate (or any area)covered in a...
A schools art exhibition on the theme...
More diversity in eateries and fine dining....
A city centre cycling race as they...
... the city as a shining example...
A first class training restaurant to showcase...
A huge river celebration incorporating boats, balloons,...
Light up the bridge! Light up the...
a happening.... communal shout 'Dundee' starting as...
Build a new stadium for Dundee FC...
A statue of William Wallace in front...
How about a pop-up restaurant or bar...
Large illuminated sign on rear of Caird...
A summer of pavillions, interesting temporary structures...
More pop up shops, eateries and art...
A new waterfront that is bustling with...
Using river front is key. People able...
more made of the city's environment to...
beautiful flower decorations dotted around the city...
Recognition of the work of Mina Fleming...
Reinstate beach huts and develop beach at...
Wagner's Ring cycle, staged on the banks...
More live music. Possibly a music festival...
Car free Sundays in the city centre...
(1) a permanent display of the city's...
Victorian picnics in the parks with costume...
A massive river pageant in the Tay
A one day big open air free...
A 'cafe quarter' in the city centre...
More lemmings, directing visitors to places of...
Clean, vibrant, productive, entertaining, sporting and sustainable
A festival of flags. Dundee has so...
A "festival of youth" with performances from...
a follow up to the 2006 Radio...
I am very rarely in the citiy...
a vegan restaurant
The Unicorn properly restored and joining the...
No celebration of Dundee would be complete...
More Lemmings around town!
For duncan of Jordanstone to encourage more...
I would love to see a collaborative...
Exhibition(s) and events to celebrate Dundee's skateboarding...
A lot of things happening at the...
I'd love to see the We Dundee...
Dundee; the City of Light. For one...
A bigger part given to dundee's rich...
The city's Camperdown Park to be used...
Now that the City Square has been...
a light show in the sky with...
a marina in Victoria Dock to bring...
Approach or create competitions for Dundee's students...
A retrospective painting exhibition of local artist...
A reconstruction of the large landscape night...
Dundee has a great coastal location to...
A games arcade celebrating the games of...
A celebration of Dundee's science, engineering and...
A photographic "competition" to promote the fabulous...
all the old (derelict) mills in and...
So many inspiring, inviting and dynamic people...
Book exchange boxes where citizens can drop...
Boat trips from the city quay around...
A group volunteers get together over a...
The Fifie or similar we used to...
a National Sports Centre at Camperdown Park.
people becoming more aware of the computer...
The Proms back in Dundee.
Full size murals on the gable end...
the city's gamers, working with scientists, seeing...
A celebration of the incredible light we...
Magdalen Green with a refurbished playpark and...
A Billy Mackenzie tribute concert or cd....
An astronomy festival based around the Mills...
Bring back the 'Fifie' It was the...
Cafes, Museums & shops open after 5pm....
less street lighting around the shore so...
I would love to see trams run...
Simple Minds kicking off an outdoor Dundee...
a bandstand in the city square.
Use Cox's Stack as a light sculpture
A giant sea organ which is built...
outdoor cinema screenings on the new green...
Widespread, large scale, planting of perennial wildflower...
A Festival of Jam! Actual jam, that...
Dudhope park to be extended between the...
Making the most of the Royal Scotsman...
The Red Bull Crashed Ice series down...
...a music festival, with grass-roots bands gigging...
The old arcade under the caird hall...
a city at peace with itself and...
An old tenement flat, a 1960s housing...
Free parking on a Sunday.
The Dundee Tattoo. Derry did it this...
A city of Dundonians proud of what...
a giant outdoor ceilidh in Camperdown Park
canoe races from one bridge to the...
A comedy festival to take place at...
The arts more accessible to the people...
An annual book and storytelling festival involving...
A drive in cinema
A celebration of the rural skills that...
A statue of William Wallace erected at...
I would love to see Dundee build...
The waterfront being used as a hub...
Bring back the Powerboats and Tall Ships...
The beginning of return of trams from...
space for "graffiti-art"... Dundee has many talented...
Subcity cultural communities festival with high quality...
I think dundee needs to do more...
streets\areas 'renamed' after world-famous DC Thomson characters...
DNA Dundee... an entertaining and educational festival...
An increase in visitors and a legacy...
A safe walkway along the riverside from...
More art works, permanent and temporary scattered...
Become the host of the first Scottish...
A Dundee city sound project, recording the...
Green roofs. Kids and adults would love...
Transform the old D C Thompson print...
A large centrally accessible theatre, able to...
Something done with the former Eagle Mills...
The trees on Magdalen Green (or at...
Frankenstein reimagined for the modern age. Mary...
The whole city used as a canvas...
All these ideas happening even though we...
A community run bookshop giving people a...
A celebration of Dundee's Mills Observatory- the...
rennovate and refurbish our old and traditional...
something done with Camperdown house - a...
A hockey tournament/ celebration involving Dundee's Olympian...
a Son Et Lumiere style performance on...
Regular train service between Broughty Ferry and...
... more ART and COLOUR in the...
A proper events venue similar to the...
A reproduction of the earl of airlie...
a GREAT brunch spot - with bloody...
a spectacular performance that all can come...
Dundee shine out as the city of...
The allotments growing bananas up the side...
A celebration of the contemporary artists, writers,...
A TED style conference, illuminating, inspiring and...
Dundee- City of 7's. Make attractions at...
Every Dundonian spend 2hrs on one Saturday...
lots of great biking and walking routes,...
Reducing traffic along the Perth Road so...
a series of one-off building illuminations /...
I think Dundee should have a festival...
A solar powered light display of the...
the city reconnected with the river, imaginative...
A cable car from balgay to the...
Marine energy turbine located in the river...
I would love to see a river...
I Think there should be a Beano...
A permanently illuminated Road and Rail Bridges.
Have a parade/ carnival through the streets...
Camperdown House opening its doors as a...
interactive growing spaces in the heart of...
A controlled place where people with like...
The Breaking the Law downhill skateboarding event...
sponsor major art installations in dundee and...
Back to front. DCA and Caird Hall...
The Old Steeple brought back into use...
A whisky festival featuring many different whiskies...
a new, bigger airport with flights available...
A proper Memorial in the City Centre,...
I would like to see statues of...
The Dundee "Highland" Games at the riverside:...
The use of green spaces to promote...
I would love to see different coloured...
More free activities for children in our...
..no more blocks of flats being built...
A tree walk or walks. Round city...
...Dundee proudly declared as UK City of...
Brightly coloured walls across the city centre.
cool graffiti artworks happening all over Dundee...
Dundee start to concentrate on the arts...
See more cultural restaurant and some of...
a 'strictly come dancing' dance werkend following...
more entertainment venues (not more cinemas). places...
A large concert/theatre arena. So many great...
A celebration of Dundee's big tees. This...
Images of old Dundee projected onto our...
free city centre car parking, even just...
Much more effort to attract great pop...
A festival of football in the city:...
Many many more amazing discoveries!
a Sushi restaurant in the City!
the city celebrating different nationalities and religion....
I would like to See a 'Dundee...
By 2017 I'd love to see my...
advertising its strength as a business hub...
Street performances; riverside concerts; dramatically-lit buildings; cheery...
A spectacular waterfront dotted with top quality...
Re-imagine Dundee icons for the 21st century...
More events. Sports events like running, cycling...
Dundee's 'Ray of Hope' - a nightly...
I would like to see cruise ships...
the siting of a decommissioned Royal Navy...
The Dundee Diaspora Show - a celebration...
A dedicated maritime museum with the Discovery,the...
Discovering Dundee, a big community arts project...
Chinese lanterns launched across the city on...
Two continuous "neon" strips going along either...
I used to live in Victoria and...
projections onto the Law memorial to commemorate...
Wild flower seeds for every Dundonian to...
a celebration of our river location -...
Keep the shorelines flats free so that...
A city-wide festival of design, with a...
Make Zaha Hadid the city architect. A...
A projected light show depicting uniquely Dundonian...
A student four 2 first-class Unis, Dundee...
an evening cafe culture, in which you...
They Fairly Mak ye Work performed again...
A festival of light at mid summer...
MacroMicro (run by 5th year Architecture Students)...
Something like a website, drop-in centre or...
Re-open the rail tunnel through the Law...
A festival celebrating Scottish culture. Featuring traditional...
a weekend music festival at Campy. Use...
Dundee have a pedestrianised cultural quarter, the...
a search for the buried treasure that...
The Beano characters and history becoming more...
horse drawn transport, with period adverts and...
Build on excellence (e.g. Scottish Dance Theatre)...
a building, like the old Borders at...
a flourishing labour market for cool stuff...
river 'taxis', taking commuters, shoppers back to...
2017 window boxes given out to decorate...
I would love to see the kingsway...
Dundee City of Culture Carnival. Lights along...
I would like to see a installation...
In Dundee 2017 I would like Dundee...
The tallest building in scotland. A nicely...
An adopted icon to be realised in...
a revival of the great student charity...
A multicultural parade or street party in...
A 'Live in Caird Park or Camperdown...
A huge firework display, with fireworks topping...
water taxis to and from broughty ferry,...
Music Concerts in the City Chambers -...
A tournament with people bringing to life...
A space to educate the public and...
More eating places in the city centre...
A competition to design boat-mills (or other...
A main music quarter, for all types...
a city wide art project that engages...
the City Quay Marina as a stunning...
HMS Pinafore played on Unicorn annually.
I would like to see a Comics...
...the creation of an art gallery devoted...
A retractable roof over the City Square!...
A play written by local writers based...
Decorate the city's taxi fleets with colourful...
every night having the same electric atmosphere...
More Green!!! Green spaces, parks, plants, and...
Storytelling events for kids & adults
Part of an old Victorian Dundee Street...
Just back from StoryStorm and had this...
a music festival around in the streets...
A concert hall down by the V...
a trail of intriguing light and sound...
A city wide art trail; local art/design/craft...
Big old skill swap events focusing on...
Greater connections within and between the cities...
City markets selling fresh produce. Get plot...
I would love to see Dundee showing...
I would like to see the Frigate...
A radio station run by and for...
In Dundee 2017 I would like to...
I would love to walk my dogs...
A replica Royal Arch built - It...
A firework display stretching all the way...
a senseless and catastrophic cake collision competition....
A large open air film show/cinema in...
A Pictish exhibition showing how these forebears...
We should have a roller skating rink...
Rebuild the Royal Arch
Roof top gardens established in the city...
Being a University of Dundee foreign student...
A good selection of cafes, bars, bistros,...
Outdoor cinema evenings at Magdalen Green
I would love there to be regular,...
Proud graduate of Dundee University. I support...
A re-enactment of the battle of camperdown...
I would like to see ART walks...
An energy-efficient maritime museum with a) the...
A city square performance of The Mill...
Exhibitions put on (with projects linked to...
A Scottish film festival based at the...
The Rail Bridge painted silver. A silver...
A public art fund established to bring...
pop up art exhibitions created in empty...
...the new city square host outdoor entertainment...
The New tyle railway restored and leisure...
Dundee's story told in a contemporary new...
a city-wide (schools) drama programme with Dundee...
I would like to see the creation...
More safe bike lanes in the city
At Christmas time i would like to...
a Di$neyland! Could call it Disnaeland Dundee....
Love, light and peace
fine live music in our fine buildings
An exhibition of the Gabrielle Keiller collection....
summertime limited-spaces open air film screenings at...
The red squirrel as the mascot for...
eh wud love tae see a massive...
Dundee, City of Cultivation. Encourage Dundonians grow...
A women's history museum
sculptures of Broons characters throughout the city...
our musical tradition celebrated
Install a 'Dance O Mat'; in Dundee...
An open top bus tour (with part...
More support for minority sports, hobbies and...
There are lots of things I'd like...
Traditional handcraft skills, including knitting and crocheting,...
A regatta starting and finishing in Broughty...
Dundee United win the Scottish cup this...
A 'Green week' where the city very...
a giant firework display over the river,...
Folk in huge inflatable balls racing across...
More activity in the centre at night,...
Some thought put into all of the...
A lighthouse in the town centre that...
Stronger links between secondary schools and the...
A smile on everyone's face!
Walking tours around Dundee showcasing the history...
The return of the Ghost Trail through...
the return of red telephone boxes, but...
Get decent Youth Hostel facilities for students...
A massive Music & Drama festival throughout...
Big name bands of all music genres...
an improved cycling infrastructure with more dedicated...
I'd like to see the Tay Road...
I would suggest that the City of...
Dundee was originally jute, jam and journalism,...
Ceilidhs! How about local ceilidh nights or...
A contemporary mural programme that puts art...
Student volunteers to organise and raise money...
2017 is the 150th anniv of Dundee...
An old boat parade with lighting and...
Photographs of famous Dundee figures from past...
More activity on the river - boat...
A massive ukulele communal strum in City...
I would like to see a recognised...
a gorilla gardening group who meet up...
Red Bull Air Race World Championship taking...
a number of new "souvenirs" designed as...
A bridge over the railway linking Perth...
roller skating party and outdoor ice rink
Every month a different part of the...
Exhibition on "Unbuilt Dundee" highlighting what Dundee...
Rebuilding of the Royal Arch - not...
The illumination of more buildings and spaces...
An empathetic commemoration of William McGonagall, widely...
The Keiller shopping centre to be relocated...
The development of a local clothing brand...
Oil extraction/oil platform maintenance interpretation centre.
More good quality small shops and businesses,...
Dundee becoming a playable city. Inject fun...
A renewable energy exhibition situated by the...
A proper music venue which isn't a...
Cruise ships full of tourists berthing at...
When one reads Dundee’s history over the...
trams back in the City Centre. Old...
The go-ahead for a Dundee Museum of...
....a centrepiece created by the "inland sea"...
Many moons ago, (about 18 years ago...
BIG creative events/projects showcasing LOCAL creative talents....
I would like to see Dundee having...
more independent retailers
Dundee offered the opportunity of hosting the...
a city that rivals Edinburgh, Glasgow and...
Free big screen film nights in the...
I'd like to see bars and restraunts...
a central library on the waterfront.
I'd like to see more made of...
Dundee eye on the river
A Proper Airport. Perth and Kinross and...
A beautifully landscaped waterfront that everyone can...
Use the square in front of the...
Dundee has many alumni from across the...
a weekend seminar into 'face building' by...
The Law memorial floodlit/illuminated again. Doing this...
the Riverside being further developed to attract...
A ferry across the Tay and regular...
buildings or streets named after Dundee comics....
Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry &c approached to...
Similar to a comment already posted, open...
Dundee: Camelot of the North. Unlike Camelot...
RUNNING OF THE BEES. An event like...
The river used for 'festival' type events...
A revival of Witches Blood - it...
An outdoor light show of a style...
A pageant in Victoria Dock representing shipbuilding...
A Makerspace/FabLab.
Cruises on the river highlighting Dundee's historic...
The old steeple and railway bridge illuminated...
A celebration of the work of Michael...
The Kings Theatre refurbished and reopened if...
A series of concerts held over a...
A history and future of dundee festival.....
Free dance classes for adults as many...
The Unicorn refurbished and restored to its...
It would be great to see some...
Open Air Cinema in the Summer on...
An Ironman event in Dundee. This long-distance...
planned events at Broughty Ferry beach in...
Music CD or event, maybe across genres...
Dundee coming to life and a city...
Eco trails established around the city designed...
Victoria and Camperdown Docks open to the...
City Quay & City Square used for...
A proper museum and art gallery for...
Continued regeneration of the city centre area:...
...the Dundonian public coming together and celebrate...
King's Theatre to be restored back to...
A Skiff rowing race between the bridges,...
Kengo Kuma the architect of Dundee new...
Decent architecture and good urban planning
A light/water show much like the one...
I would love to see Dundee as...
I would like to revisit the serenity...
I would like to see Dundee having...
A 30m high metal sculpture on the...
the city's fathers pay homage to the...
A single sporting/cultural venue that can host...
A live show from the Caird Hall...
a bridge accross the river for pedestrians...
The return of the passenger ferry from...
I would love it if the old...
a proper joined-up, completely off-road cycle path...
The remaining pontoons of the old Tay...
A celebration of the Dundee dialect -...
'suspended' coffees, sandwiches, sweets... You go into...
A cable car up the Law! Then...
I would love to see the Tay...
Celebration of the talent that exists in...
A weekend celebration of "We Are, Dundee....
I'd like see a wee festival in...
A nice walk along the river without...
Fireworks over the Tay watched by thousands...
A small independent music festival using the...
A time line illustrating the history of...
A market selling fresh fruit & veg,...
An annual carnival from the city square....
a collaborative production between the Rep Ensemble...
Celebration of the ships and sea e.g....
Some more Dundee v Dundee United derbies....
A Dundee music festival that embrace every...
Build on what Dundee does well -...
the flats above the shops in the...
the city having grown in retail terms,...
A season of exhibitions of Dundee Artists...
Advertise the fact that we have the...
paving stones dotted around the City Centre...
Amphibious buses taking locals and visitors across...
Something to do in the city centre...
The Discovery ship inside a giant glass...
A regular weekly street market
More celebration of the local and international...
an open air 'Screen on Castle Green'...
I have enjoyed some visits to Beamish...
More venues/pubs with live music - especially...
the War Memorial on top if the...
A dance festival, curated by Scottish Dance...
Dundee reconnect with its heritage and location...
A photography /art competition which will ask...
A big screen on the side of...
Use abandoned silos or warehouses as echo...
More community nights in the City centre...
I recently watched this years Apprentice. In...
I'd love to see some music events...
more statues of DC Thomson comic book...
....a peh, a pint an a poem...
Better use of open space. Ergonomically designed...
For more people to enjoy commuting by...
Artisan Weekend Market in the Stak Leisure...
A city that is a place that...
A health suite similar to what the...
A long distance walk/cycle route from Dundee...
What about using the city square to...
The city stage a weekly movie night...
Brigadoon: A mysterious Scottish village that appears...
a music festival, where local up and...
Smaller version of Edinburgh Fringe with comedy,...
A festival highlighting the impact that members...
Nigel Kennedy with musicians from the Palestine...
Another street theatre event like Witches Blood
Hiring out of deck chairs and windbreaks...
A European cultural market (art, craft and...
Dundee host the Royal National Mòd
The reinstatement for one more concert of...
I'd love to see Dundee become a...
The World of Dundee/Dundee in the World...
The city quay as a food and...
Witches Blood 3!
Permanently moored boats in the Tay that...
I would and many others would like...
A theme park around the river and...
The city arcade on Shore Tce re-opened...
A comics museum for Dundee
A venue for or regular nights of...
A proper regular street market with local...
a music scene as recognised as Glasgow's,...
A 'make time for lunch' campaign that...
Oor Wullie, the musical! Really.
One-off memorable events such as the Bowie...
An event showcasing the wonderful things Dundee...
I would like to see a calander...
The Rep revitalised. Used to put on...
I would love to see more street...
a dedicated jazz club with nightly gigs...
stargazing nights in the local parks
I would love to see West End...
Books read, in hardcopy and by kindle,...
Dundee & its Waterfront build on their...
A celebration of Dundee's Diversity.A culture and...
Like the Lowry in Manchester, more water...
steam trains from the many heritage groups...
More fun statues from the DC Thomson...
I would like to see the big...
Summer schools and/or intensive workshops run at...
A mini festival celebrating Dundee's cinema history,...
A yarn fest to celebrate the tradition...
the owners of Overgate exploit the space...
The Tayside Police Museum opened up to...
London has the Marathon, Newcastle has the...
World class walking and separate cycle paths...
An oral history project to catalogue the...
Meeters and greeters welcoming visitors at the...
Controlled tours of the derelict/abandoned mills ie...
an open air theatre (similar to The...
The Orchar Collection put back on display...
A centre for education and performance in...
an online "what's happening?" website where visitors...
another ambitious city wide community drama like...
An exhibition on the Tay Rail Bridge...
I would like the powers that be...
I'd like to see the spire completed...
outdoor (indoor) screening of Mike Gibb's Dundee...
Dance events for all ages, all skills,...
Worldwide attention drawn to the centenary of...
A celebration of golf for all -...
I'd love to see something on a...
River taxis....let others see how spectacular Dundee...
It would be great at xmastime if...
More exhibitions from the iconic V&A to...
The two bridges over the Tay joined...
A state of the art concert hall.
Painting of all the tenements in different...
A celebration of light and beauty, shared...
A cinema in the centre. Major money...
...the bridges illuminated.
A prize for innovative alternative energy technology...
Dolphin watching trips on the Tay
The gas flare of the War Memorial...
An emporium of food, art, craft, design...
A National Theatre production of Black Watch...
A cyber security educational workshop/event, with interactive...
an annual summer child-only treasure hunt, whereby...
something to do with whaling ships -...
The Victoria Arch rebuilt or alternatively an...
The Unicorn back close to the Discovery...
I would love to see more playgrounds...
would love to see dundee hold a...
Create a renewables centre on the riverside...
A pageant with floats from each of...
Restore the huge WELCOME TO DUNDEE on...
A "blue plaque for all" scheme. A...
A celebration of the Dundee International Book...
I want more young people to take...
Create an urban farm in the new...
Green spaces at the waterfront for people...
A new year party to remember -...
the UK's finest tall ships line the...
A contemporary music festival at Camperdown park....
Dancing in the streets
A dance festival featuring all the different...
a city full of vibrance and activity...
Lights on bikes and cycle on cycle...
The radio mast removed from the top...
the rebuilding of a replica Royal Arch...
A focal reminder of the positive contributions...
A heartily welcoming city for all religion...
a water taxi connecting newport and dundee
A Carnival at the Riverside. After ambitious...
A celebration of street art - harnessing...
traditional pie shops
a means of travelling along the river...
A return of the Speed boat racing...
A Tay Pearl Conservation Project based in...
Release 2017 word balloon shaped ballons. Have...
The World Pipe Band Championships in Dundee....
Dundee taking more pride in the famous...
A waterfront festival, spread along the riverside...
I think that the kingsway round abouts...
Dundee can be seen from a number...
Guests from the other three shortlisted but...
More of Dundee's wonderful art collections on...
the City square as a 'meeting place'...
More choice in evening and night time...
The international culture of food in Dundee...
I would love to see a large...
a happy, popular, vibrant city with a...
An out of this world magic trick...
Average White Band in concert
Towers, turrets and spires painted in gold...
I would like to see some of...
opera and classical music for the people...
Monster truck rally.
the city pay tribute to the young...
A yearly festival for Dundee's amazing local...
the various jazz evenings held culminate in...
Finlathen Park being used as a sculpture...
the city celebrate its vast heritage by...
The three J's shaped Dundee into what...
A water themed celebration with a spectacular...
Topsoil laid down in derelict sites around...
Specially created traffic-free areas where people can...
is quite simple. We don't have enough...
a celebration of all kinds of music...
A life size Oor Wullie, Desperate Dan...
More cycle routes to compliment and extend...
A celebration of the vibrant visual art...
Would love to see a man made...
Surely there's a case for moving HMS...
More emphasis placed on the Tay Rail...
There definitely has to be a water-based...
A Dundee Chamber Orchestra please or, at...
a "tour de Dundee" cycle race over...
An outdoor ice rink in the square...
......a mass 'sketch-in and paint-in' outside the...
projections of Dundee's famous people onto a...
More Doors Open Days and it to...
A live broadcast of a Dundee Rep...
Since I have worked in social care...
A skiffs regatta with all the St...
paddleboats reintroduced at Stobbie Ponds.
Dundee introduce an Artist In Residence, part...
a cure for cancer. maybe it will...
A Beano or Dandy character theme 'treasure...
I would like to see a photographic...
a gondola from the Law to the...
For Dundee to become an international city...
a reintroduction of shipbuilding , so that...
BP who transmit operas from London live...
The V & A open with amazing...
I would love to see Dundee again....
An outdoor drive-in cinema/live performance area using...
a joined up approach to cultural policy...
A tour bus around Dundee, showing the...
Using Dundee's famous river to best effect...
A large fountain with sculptures in front...
Something to showcase the talent and history...
A multicultural family centre where all Dundee...
More use of the Tay. Boat trips,...
a River festival to rival the Thames...
Love the Idea of music festivals all...
Green spaces for prayer and meditation across...
some fine dining in Dundee. Not enough...
Passenger ferries returning to the Tay taking...
Lots of activities on the river that...
Dundee Arts Festival, celebrating all forms of...
Encourage street art - identify un-used sites...
A festival of light. Projecting images of...
An outdoor icerink, all year round.
Greater prominence given to literary connections to...
I would love to see lots of...
Let the river Tay be alive with...
A ferry service reinstated which could link...
A proper community centre again on the...
a parade of ships and boats on...
An annual home coming, a weekend of...
a large piece of public art in/on...
public places such as GP surgeries, post...
I'd like to see something that incorporated...
Bike racks on buses to promote a...
a new concert hall for a range...
Big events on the river Tay. Make...
fireworks over the Silvery River Tay on...
An event that celebrates all the youth...
As the model of a green city,...
A marina in the centre of Dundee...
We Dundee becomes the 'go to' website...
cool lighting around the city, on bridges,...
Statues of The Broons waiting at a...
A new large music venue created to...
a better range of restaurants comparable to...
A day of celebration of Dundee's Great...
a footbridge (the outer shape of a...
Cultural Prescribing - where GPs link patients...
A greater selection of restaurants at the...
A network of woodland walks, events and...
Chairs and benches fixed into the ground...
Pride and more awareness of the Logie...
Connecting Dundee with the global PARK[ing] Day...
A National Theatre Live performance to take...
Creatives holding workshops for kids /teens to...
More neon lighting in the city as...
Still time to organise a Sistema Big...
I would love to see myself in...
...something which truly (and permanently) recognises James...
DJCAD students and the growing video game...
I would love to see a bustling...
Celebrate the beauty of the river and...
We have a fantastic repertory theatre and...
a new pedestrianised "village" created on one...
I have a dream that the people...
a waterfront location Comics Museum (built out...
"Bard on the Beach" or "Bard on...
More students starting up their own businesses...
An F1 grand prix, starting in the...
A series of Danny Boyle Olympic style...
I would love to see United &...
In 2017, I will want to see...
I would love to see the great...
I think, from the draw that the...
Public art/sculpture trail leading from the V...
A greater connection with the river...floating "pop-up"...
The wonderful Dundee Literary Festival being even...
The Unicorn given the same care and...
much more made of Dundee's maritime history...
The Citizens & Business of Dundee getting...
I'd like to see a connection between...
a cultural cafe/restaurant/bar where local people can...
a comic strip and games museum in...
Participation of the city in world labyrinth...
I would love to see a city...
A gathering in Dundee for overseas Dundonians......
Cycle lanes, like in the Netherlands, to...
More ships on the beautiful River Tay...
An international cultural exchange with the creative...
The new and improved town centre with...
cafe culture in the city centre, somewhere...
Urban meadows like the New York Highline
A pub trail of Dundee and Broughty...
A night time 'Light Up' torch parade...
more neon lighting on shopfronts.
a Dundee Eye.
A large continental style cafe area down...
Success in widening the appeal of all...
A festival celebrating Dundee its history and...
I would love to see us as...
Statues of Oor Wullie, The Broons, Dennis...
A high traffic/ central venue in Dundee...
a wee corner of the new V&A...
2017 reasons to be happy messages displayed...
A music experiment in the McManus. A...
the architecture of Dundee and its landmarks...
a speculative fiction writing festival that acknowledges...
I would love to see the Dundee...
Music, cinema, art in city square celebrating...
more authentic ethnic restaurants
For our individuality show through. Anyone can...
I'd like there to be more awareness...
My exhibition! - Places in the city...
Giant video screens placed by the Overgate,...
I would love to see more accommodation...
A cable car from the Waterfront to...
Smart phone application for self-guided tours around...
I think that a comic/computer museum would...
Fireworks from a barge between the two...
a one off men's and women's Home...
a cycle friendly city.
Using the Overgate Centre's sweeping glass wall...
A 'life-size' statue of Oor Wullie sitting...
A boats parade once a year with...
The one o'clock bummer was as synonymous...
A sculpture of a whaling skiff with...
An aquarium that charts the the journey...
More collaboration between the different outlying areas...
More outdoor cinemas, I'm thinking magdalen green...
Uninterrupted views of the River Tay from...
a period re-enactment of the events leading...
I would like to see Proms in...
A massive production which takes over the...
Time Team to investigate Old Dundee.
a celebration of the massive contribution to...
Street activities for kids. Farmer's markets. International...
Family fun/sports days in the green spaces...
A celebration of the famous 9 Trades...
a community garden.
A beacon of light projected from all...
The whole of the UK joining us...
An area with cocktail bars and restaurants...
Celebrate Dundee's very own Tree - the...
An old dundonian street tourist attraction where...
A spectacular golden summer ends up with...
A festival sharing the best of Dundee...
I would like every schoolchild in the...
A buzzing waterfront development mixing the arts,...
I would like to see more use...
Bistro cafe/ bars in city Square that...
Water public space, national and international festivals,
city quay cleaned up introduce water sports...
Solar energy collected as Dundee's the sunniest...
'Celebrate' (by lack of better word) its...
2017 young people each bury a tiny...
loads of street art. I want to...
...a street culture festival. Edinburgh and Glasgow...
a fire water boat festival in Victoria...
the games industry build close ties with...
Wild flower areas, encouraging bio-diversity. Tree planting.
Live Music on board the ship Discovery...
A tram route around the city centre...
I would like to see the rail...
Buildings painted in bright colours, like the...
I would like to see Unicorn given...
A city 'Picnic Day' to make use...
Install an eco-cycle cinema...bikes powering an outdoor...
The Wellgate removed and the old streets...
all the beautiful but derelict buildings renovated...
A celebration of the creativity of the...
I would like to see a restaurant...
Dundee create a bid based on the...
More of a 'cafe culture', including more...
A bid to attract more tech companies...
A stage within the Waterfront to act...
An exciting, innovative festival involving a new...
Fix up bandstand in Magdalen Green and...
a mass cycle down the length of...
music and literature are strong in Dundee...
Froome, Wiggins or Mo cycle or road...
I would love to supply funfairs for...
One side of Tay Br closed to...
a Q&A or exhibition on Photopolis
I'd like to see an 'independent quarter'...
a city wide cycle hire scheme like...
a tour of Old Dundee
Open up the Law tunnel as a...
a place that has gone further to...
Everyone in Dundee riding bicycles. It is...
Verdant Works used more for contemporary textile...
The council take a long term view...
Dundee is famous for jam and i...
I would love to see HMS Unicorn...
events on the river, links with Derry...
Good housing - end to poverty. Happy law...
Summer afternoon open air concerts in the...
some 'Time Team' events involving local people...
To celebrate the city's history with the...
Representatives from all our twinned cities and...
Reading marathon for children (2017 minutes =...
Publicise the top of the Law, where...
An exhibition celebrating Grouchos- one of the...
An event to celebrate Dundee's planning heritage....
A welcome to the city when coming...
In 2017, I will want to see...
A Frankenstein themed event since Mary Shelley...
a Park 'n Ride established to cut...
Images on key buildings of an evening..
The completed pedestrian bridge crossing the railway...
We need to get a marina established...
Regeneration of the older communities of Dundee,...
I'd love for Dundee to establish more...
a sporting event such as a marathon...
Bike share/more cyclist friendly roads and paths...
A night of celebration in the town,...
the Waterfront selected as Scotland's base for...
To encourage a family friendly night life,...
A feature made at the new railway...
Re-engaging with Dundee's history by doing something...
Re-issue of Mary Brooksbank's "Sidlaw Breezes" (it's...
facilities to rival all others. Where people...
A retrospective of all the games made...
Christo (artist) to create an intervention across...
the oldest surviving British ship afloat, The...
Stone pedestals situated around the pedestrianized areas...
A viewing platform in the middle of...
the boats used at the Yacht Club...
a budget airline, supported by the Scottish...
A bus station located conveniently beside the...
A greengrocer shop that sells globe artichokes...
A Banner on every lamp post celebrating...
Boat trips on the Tay. To view...
id like to see the old hogmany...
A floating pavilion in City Quay, like...
A site-specific play on a boat on...
A cable car to the top of...
The village is about a sense of...
More linking up between the creative industries...
Productions from the Edinburgh fringe. Exhibitions from...
Would like to see DCThomson's contribution to...
A celebration of comics from Dundee, such...
a significant and permanent exhibition/museum recognising DC...
I'd like to see a series of...
Install webcams at key cultural events and...
A 'Jute, Jam, Journalism and Joysticks' procession...
Jobs galore in Dundee.
A "Great Scot!" Exhibition near Captain Scott's...
More public artworks. The dragon in High...
Posters around Edinburgh and Glasgow which tell...