We Back Dundee as a City of Culture



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The Dundee Jazz Festival is a brilliant event, showcasing local talent and bringing the great people of the city together during the summer months. Dundee is geographically the sunniest city in Scotland and it’s true – whenever I visit Dundee to visit family & friends (monthly) the sun is always shining! I got married in Dundee & my husband’s family from England were bowled over by how friendly people were, everywhere they went. And how clean and pretty the town is. Makes me feel so proud, like most Dundonians are of our city and what we’ve achieved.

<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> W.A.S.P.S studio, kate pickering @vanillainkuk, mike press, djcad
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> quite simply the people, the friendships and the fantastic weather!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Being a foreigner who has settled down in Dundee, I found Dundee very accommodating to internationalism. It's not surprising. Having the advantage of our harbours and wharfs, Dundee is used to welcoming visitors. The Dundee International Women's Centre has been servicing the international community for over 40 years. I love living in Dundee and the cultural diversities and dynamics here excite me.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I loved the atmosphere in the new Caird square on a cold crisp winter evening after listening to the Dundee Symphony Orchesta in the Caird hall, coming down the steps and looking at the Christmas lights and the tree and the people in Henry's coffee house enjoying the view. I love Braithwaite's coffee shop and the Cheesery on Exchange street. Drouthy's and the jute cafe and Dukes corner, the art bar. The macmanus Gallery
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Have you ever stood atop the law on a clear day and looked 360 degree's around you? If "no" then you have missed one of the most majestic views in Britain!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Coming from Perth my perception of Dundee was always negative until work brought me here in 2004. Dundee in general has surprised me, continues to evolve and in turn surprises friends who I bring to the city. It is hard to explain but I feel comfortable here. Dundee is home.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I moved to London a year ago and it surprises me how much I miss Dundee. Although I live in what is, arguably, the cultural capital of the UK, I think Dundee is a really exciting place to be. It may be small but it has such a vibrant and burgeoning cultural scene and is just going to go from strength to strength.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Love the vibrant music scene in Dundee. There is a diverse choice of live music at various venues on any given night of the week. Add that to the amount of small cafes etc that showcase local art by having artwork on display where you least expect it makes Dundee's culture very easily accessible to all.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I don't think this is classed as a "hidden secret" but it's something I hope will be highlighted as part of Dundee's cultural activity - the annual blues bonanza held at the end of June each year - purported to be the biggest free blues festival in Europe, and hugely popular with the artists and audiences alike.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I am three and I love visiting the libraries for storytimes and crafts. I also love spending time at the museum and Camperdown Park. which has fun play areas.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The upbeat and creative atmosphere, encouraging collaborations and creative interdisciplinary projects, and an ability to make a difference!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has the most beautiful setting of any city I know. It is built on hills which allow amazing views of the Tay, sometimes from places you don't expect. The view driving down West Park Road never ceases to take my breath away. This, coupled with amazing green spaces and parks, makes it the perfect place to live...and walk, and run.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> After one year in Dundee, my life has been changed. I discovered myself and the world in new ways. This is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. I learned how to communicate across cultures and had chances to see historic monuments and famous arts. Due to my immature thinking, I might have caused some misunderstandings, but the lecturers had a sympathy, they forgave mistakes of mine. I studied on ​​a topic that I love and received invaluable advices from Professor. I believe these experiences would translate into benefits throughout my life &amp; ... I miss the city :)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The openness of the city towards new people and new culture
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> My parents were both Dundee doctors. My father was John Langlands who had a practice at Garland Place. He was a very much loved Dundee GP who used to visit his patients nearly every day of the year, even Christmas Day!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a multicultural city with a wonderful, supportive creative community. It is also the sunniest city in Scotland, which makes it a fantastic place to live, discover and grow in.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has a brilliant sense of multiculturalism-there is a Halal shop,a Polish shop, a Russian shop and a traditional Scottish fish and chip shop within walking distance of my flat. I like the fact that each of these cultures brings something unique to Dundee-it feels really special.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I was born and bred in Dundee and no matter where I have gone in the world I have always been pulled back. Dundee has a magical quality which my father kept alive for us through tales of glass staircases and worthies! As a nurse in Dundee I have had the privilege to have met and looked after a diverse and colourful cast of characters! I love our city and the people in it!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Walk along the front is fantastic!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> My wife and I have lived in Dundee since 1968. The transformation of the city since then has been amazing! Dundee has moved on beyond expectation in many areas of its life, including, education, medicine, research, the arts and culture.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A Great Place to live, with stuff always on!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm always inspired by the people in the City running their own businesses and getting involved in promoting the area - we live in a fantastic, innovative and creative place - its a stunning spot...I particularly love the architecture of our buildings!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love that Dundee is striving to improve and has so much to offer from Football at Junior &amp; Senior level,the Science Centre, Art at McManus &amp; DCA and a brilliant rep theatre. We're on the river, near beautiful beaches and countryside and a thriving city! Beautiful buildings in The Caird Hall, Morgan Academy, McManus Gallery &amp; Custom House
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm here today because of the wonderful work being done in the Scottish Bowel Screening Unit which is here in Dundee. Screening was piloted here and is now saving lives of Scots all over the country. The work on cancer research done here in Dundee is exceptional and the skill of our medical staff at Ninewells hospital is second to none.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has a great bunch of people aiming to make interesting, challenging, creative things happen. Anyone can get involved, join in or make things happen for themselves, which is what makes it such a brilliant environment.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There is some truly amazing and interesting architecture in the Nethergate and South Tay Street - one of my favourite places in Dundee. The glimpses of the Tay estuary through the buildings add an amazing dimension unlike any other in the UK.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I never seem to see Dundee as a city but rather one big cultural community where everyone is linked through the many events that take place. The art school, theatres and the DCA create a friendly and creative atmosphere in Dundee that has welcomed me so much that I don't mind being away from my big hometown, Glasgow (in fact I prefer staying here during my uni time)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It has a down to earth attitude, some nice places to see, and is at the cutting edge as regards the technology sector. There is a lack of pretentiousness when you can get with other cities and it is rich place full of history.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The amazing location of the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a mass of hidden creative talent that is slowly coming to the fore. The imminent V&amp;A building is helping build a massive buzz in Dundee. Inspiring all of those talented people to come out and do their own thing, or join up with others to form collectives, enhancing Dundee even further.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It's full of creative people from a variety of disciplines
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love the nightlife
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design continues to 'fleh heh' as one of Britain's Top 5 art schools, but paradoxically remains a hidden gem, both locally and nationally.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Broughty Ferry beach, rock gardens, high street, castle are places worth visiting
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The amount and variety of bars the city has to offer
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is set in an absolutely fantastic location, definitely one of the best in the UK - stunning views across the Tay and to the hills beyond.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love all the talks and events that go on around the city, some supplied by the University and others just from people wanting to inform and educate about Science, the Arts, or just about anything you can think of.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has been more prominent in the history of Scotland than many people realise.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Many people forget that we have a lovely beach on our door step!

I pick up after my dog so people should pick up after themselves and their children.

Lets keep in lovely.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Ever since my wife and I moved to Dundee, we have been delightfully surprised by so many public lectures on various topics in the forms of Saturday Night Lecture Series, Arts Cafe and Science Cafe. I had my favourite book singed by the author in one of the lectures. In addition, the City is full of exciting galleries, restaurants and cafes, many of which are used for the public lectures. Surrounding the City, there are so many breathtaking natural sceneries, which are very much intellectually stimulating and at the same time emotionally comforting.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There's a hidden secret fae the west end o dundee, a man wa goes by the name alfie, the mans been entertaining fowk ah eez days wi eez patter and eez always dressed ti impress.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a very peaceful, homogenous and beautiful city. You can go round the town at any time of the day and feel safe. Just love it.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The building of a pioneering ultra-Low energy, autonomous studio in the Botanic Gardens of Dundee, by Masters Architecture students at Dundee University.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Has kept up with the pace of change, and led it some technology fields
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Beautiful river views from the top of the Law, dolphin spotting down the Ferry and long woodland walks through Camperdown Park. Amazing place to bring up children!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There's always somewhere nice to go in the city. There's the museums, the galleries, the parks, the café's, the views; there's always something to do in this city! Coupled with the 2 fantastic universities and a diverse population you have a phenomenal city that I would be proud to have as my UK City of Culture 2017!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Our City has so much going for it, steeped in history- Jute, jam and journalism.. The regeneration of the Waterfront , a wonderful seaside town of Broughty Ferry, the Jewel in Dundee's Crown, with a blue flag beach and historic castle guarding the mouth of the River Tay. Inventions such as the electric light bulb, the postage stamp, first streetlights and hole in the wall cash disepenser! One of Europe's largest teaching hospitals and the University of Dundee which has a leading edge clinical research centre and the University was voted Times Higher Education student experience survey . It's unfortunate there are less desirable parts of Dundee, but that is the same anywhere you go. I love Dundee. X
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Waterfront developing into such a beautiful and state of the art area from what was such an industrial start. It proves with investment and creative thinking a 'sow's ear can be made from a silk purse'!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Reading Rooms in Dundee - different from everywhere in the city, hidden gem.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee's whaling history and the associated exhibition in the refurbished McManus Gallery
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its modernisation at last along with the growth in the student community which has started to increase the cafe culture in the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is full of nice places to visit, rest or enjoy for a walk if you want, but its best asset is the people.  Dundee is full of people from different culture and being French I felt integrated very quickly because this is what this city is about: People with great heart. I am regularly dancing Indian dances at the Bharatiya Ashram and  I am learning painting with a local artist John Stoa and I think that I could not combine so many arts activities elsewhere than In Dundee – Great  city of Culture.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Friendly!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> i'm amazed by the number of things to see. i didn't realise there was so much going on. the people have been really friendly to me.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The natural beauty of the City and its surroundings and the major changes that are happening in the City making it a great place to live !
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Speedwell bar,dundee university,rep theatre,dundee utd,dawn at the law,sunset over the tay bridge and braw folk everywhere means dundee will always have a place in my heart.And this is from a weegie....
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a vibrant city, with so many exciting developments taking place. It is the obvious city to be the UK City of Culture 2017.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Old Mill Snooker club in the city is a hidden gem where the full spectrum of Dundee citizens can be found in a friendly environment.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The ideal nature of the city,situated facing the Tay,much of what Is needed Is but a quick bus,taxi or car journey away,going to see Dundee play on the Saturday,the rare event of the Dundee Derby hopefully soon to return,fireworks at Lochee Park,the meeting with mates at Boots,shopping at Officers Club,buying the Evening Telegraph or Courier,picking up the annual fixture list provided by the Tele,the beauty of the West End,in particular Magdalen Green,the familiar sound of the water at Broughty Ferry,the famed ice cream shop,turning on of the Christmas lights,Desperate Dan and the dragon In town,the views from the Law.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> You find that the people who put Dundee down have never even been there! I love Dundee and the people of Dundee - they're absolutely straightforward and real. Couthie is the word for it. It's the 'biggest village' in Scotland - you can't walk through Dundee city centre without bumping into somebody you know, or at least seeing a few familiar faces and giving them a wee nod of recognition. Dundee's position on the Tay estuary is also one of the most beautiful settings of any city in Europe - come and see for yourself! (Carol Greig)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The ancient history, never realised it has been a settlement for thousands of years! The Jacobite rising started on the Law, how amazing! love the city events for Christmas etc.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> An inspiring creative community. Great people. Countless art events and festivals.. Stunning river location. A blue flag beach. An extinct volcano. Historic ships. Britain's only full time public observatory. Castles. The UK's only Frank Gehry building. World leading research centers. Digital hub city. Great entertainment and cultural venues. It's time to share Dundee's secrets with everyone in 2017.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love the vibrancy of the city and know that good things are coming for Dundee. It has a great nightlife and is ideally situated for exploring the rest of the country! I love the city square as a great place to watch the world go by!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> SUNSHINE! dundee is unique among all scottish cities beacuase of the amount of sun it gets. It should in fact be 'sunny dundee' not 'bonny dundee'!
Dundee is a place where you grow, develop and experience new things, where you meet genuine, helpful and kind people, make fantastic friends for life and even find love of your life. And so it becomes one of those special places you can call home...
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The huge, friendly creative community, the people, and the suprising love you gain for the city as a newcomer. Within 3 years of living here, I have made the best friends, found my creative output, found love, and found myself defending this fantastic city as my home.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I have always loved Dundee. It is welcoming , warm, humorous, and enthusiastic. AN impressive location and important in the history of Scotland
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Oozing with creativity, and supportive people, from far and wide. Dundee, as many of its inhabitants, stands overly modest about what a great place it is to cultivate culture, with many exceptional pockets of talent and ambition, the city is a stage set for a fantastic show.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> For a city of its size, Dundee has a wealth of cultural activities from the DCA, free lectures at the universities, theatres, an art gallery, to name but a few things - all within easy reach. The two universities and FE college have resulted ina youthful population and plenty of entertainment. Dundee is also ethnically diverse with with Polish, Russian, Chinese, Middle Eastern and Philippine supermarkets. I moved here last year and wouldn't want to live anywhere else!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The amount of things there are to do in Dundee. Never a dull moment!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The climbing wall in the church-I think it surprises most of the people coming from continental Europe.
But what I like about Dundee the most is the international environment, especially within the College of Life Sciences. We are a bunch of strangers gathered here from all around the world, and we really stick together, we are a family here, far away from home. I lived in Hungary and France before, but nowhere is as easy to find friends as it is in Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Tay, at any time of day. Sunrise, sunset, night-time... I can't count the number of times I've stopped, in awe, to look at it.
It's totally under-rated; and absolutely beautiful.

DJCAD, too. I'm having the best time of my life at art school in Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee West is a cultural festival led by the community. It has developed from a standing start into an extremely successful and community engaging festival in a very short time through the dedication of members of the community.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee Street Art and the D'Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Baxter Park is an asset which is taken for granted. It's a complete Joseph Paxton Park with many paths to promenade on, grass to lie on(just ignore the rumblings of victorians turning in their graves!), play parks for the children to climb on and a stunning stone pavilion to get married in. When did you last visit or encourage anyone else to visit?
Friends of Baxter park
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> For me, the people are what make Dundee. They are as spirited group of individuals, who are friendly and welcoming to people in their city. They also celebrate everything their city offers depsite the negative image it has been wrongly given
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> In Dundee you can just be who you are.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> We all know about the Three J's, but I only recently found out there's a hidden and covered-over network of old rail tunnels crossing the town. 14 years of living here and I still find new surprises.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> the rep theatre is something Dundee should be very proud of - when I moved south I expected every city to have one - three Yorkshire cities later I am still waiting.....!!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee never let's go of your heart.the people ,young and old welcome you .the architectur,history ,people are unique.the,law hill,road bridge ,old and new.rail bridge.the rail disaster,teaching hospital,dental hospital ,university.Jute ,jam ,journalism .Broughty ferry.berry fields.river Tay.Salmon,pearls.The Discovery,Card Hall.DC Thomson.
No hidden secret.Dundee shares whatever they have with whoever wants to look. Find. Explore and experience.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Despite enduring economic hardship in Dundee throughout the ages, Dundonians have been remarkably resilient in their stoic defence of human right and civil liberties. When then rally call has gone out, we have banded together, worked as a social and culture team to withstand and survive adversities. We are now in the process of, once more, evolving into the 21st Century as a major, global, technological player.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love Dundee's commitment to research and development, that it welcomes all with the friendliness and generosity with her citizens are renowned for. What surprises me is how surprised visitors are at how much to see and do there is here.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I came to Dundee from San Francisco, California to get a masters degree that is not offered anywhere else in the world: a Msc in Design Ethnography. Dundee has fostered such a creative and trail blazing thought culture that its university offers one of a kind degrees and attracts people from the worlds' creative cities to come and live and learn there.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It's the generosity, I help organise the community festival Dundee WestFest and despite having no real budget, the lengths people go to to help us make it a great week of events. Musicians, Performers, Walks and Talks Organisers, Poets, Stall holders, Venue Providers and all the business that help with in kind support and the audience for all the events, all so very generous, a real community effort. Thank you for being Dundee
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a real and loveable second home to many students, like myself, who study here. I am in my second year at University here and I am still discovering new parts of Dundee and the countryside surrounding it. The view points particularly over the Tay from near the observatory at sun down are absolutely stunning and is one of my favourite places to be. There are many inspiring lecturers and mentors attached to the universities which make me proud to say that I am spending my student life here.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I have lived abroad on several occasions but always return home. I love the fact that I can walk everywhere, that it is a safe city especially for females and that with the new impetus of the V&amp;A and investment Dundonians of all ages are supporting this bid.
I believe we have medico-science facilities second to none. An innovative Games industry.
As I am now a senior Dundee looks after me very well with marvellous fitness facilities.
The Dundee Rep Theatre is one of Scotland's best and the DCA offers a wide range of films, displays, workshops etc. Dundee to win.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I have been coming to Dundee since my students days in the 1980's. My favourite places still include Sunrise from the Law, seeing the city from the Tay Bridge, arriving by train along the river with the Tay silvery in winter sunlight. More recently the upgrading around The McManus gallery and the quality of exhibitions it attracts - I have a particular soft spot for this part of the city as My 5 * Great-Grandfather has a statue there and I recently found out that it was partly funded by the people he employed - inspirational at the time?
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> so many wonderful things about a city always looking towards the future of discovery. whether its art (v&amp;a), music (rustyhipcollective) or science (research centre) dundee has it all!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The forward thinking art and technology community.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It contains one of the best UK universities. The Dundonians are blessed with the human feelings. Dundee at my time was an ideal city for education, and I am sure it is still. The weather is stunning and marvellous.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> What surprises me about the city is the wealth of local talent it houses. There are so many disciplines represented here from skateboarders to singers to artists to bakers and the humble Dundonian seems to want to out their talent in some way. Afraid perhaps to admit it's a damn fine city with great things to offer - they offer their expressive selves. Proud to be Dundonian!!!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> My hometown boasts simply the best boozer i have ever been a loyal customer of.. and im talking world over. The Speedwell Bar aka Mennies aka The Dogs Arse at the top of the Perth Road.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Even after 10 years of living in the city I seem to stumble onto new things in and around the area of Dundee. :)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> underwater harbour
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> All Dundonians have time for you, even if, and, maybe, especially if, you are a stranger.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The beauty of the Tay.  We have a outstanding feature that most other Scottish cities do not have.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The council music and musical theatre provision. Fantastic.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I meet several people during my forty days visit to Dundee. one person i would like to mention specially Dr. Laszlo from CTU, University of Dundee, UK. A lot has been learnt from him, politeness and smile on his face, the way he treated us as his students. I bow and regard him from bottom of my heart, UK will be remembered and discussed always because of the royal behavior of its people for all. The world can learn from Dundee how one can behave as human.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> CULTURE!!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has seen a revolution in the past 20 years
With lots more to come
It's rich heritage, now matched by it's forward outlook makes it the ideal City of Culture,2017
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The team and young people at Hot Chocolate Trust in Dundee city centre - amazing, top quality youthwork going on. It's like a family. Also the wee garden in the middle of Perth Road, opposite the university, with the miniature bandstand. The flowers are always lovely and the view is brilliant.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee Rep hosts a constant flow of high quality performance arts and is outstanding. Dance, mime, song, drama and comedy feature strongly. Community involvement - including youth and disabled - makes me feel fortunate and proud that we have this facility in the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The richness and diversity of the arts and culture; the burgeoning technology industry and the determined spirit of the locals.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm surprised there is not more opportunity taken by the council to have cultural events throughout the year. It is good to see the city developiong though and with the V&amp;A, the new City Square, etc., there is an opportunity to continue to develop a different side of the city. The City of Culture tag has done well for other cities it has attached itself to and would be a real boost for Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> We are a world centre for life sciences as well as a world centre for the games industry and animation. We have two top class universities, an excellent college and one of the highest students per head of population ratios in the UK. Dundee has been through hard times but the regeneration that's happening in the city has to be seen to be believed.Without entirely losing sight of its past, the city is thrusting its way into the future. It's an exciting time particularly with the waterfront regeneration to include the V&amp;A as well as the city's first 5*Hotel.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Without the chutzpah of Dundee Scotland would not have a games industry. As Scotland's leading games research publication, we strongly support Dundee's bid!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> In 1901 the RRS Discovery was launched from Dundee and took Captain Scott on an epic joiurney of discovery to Antarctica. What I find exciting about Dundee is that it is now the city itself that is on a journey of discovery with the people of Dundee as the crew.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Everything about Dundee makes me proud to it's my home

