We Back Dundee as a City of Culture



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Everyday, and throughout each day, the river Tay looks different. Whether the sun is sparkling, the moon is shining or the sand banks are exposed for the seals to relax on, it is a thing of beauty. Dundee’s best asset.

<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There's a quiet spirit of determination, generosity and ambition found in Dundee that's positive and uplifting, but hard to find elsewhere.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has a vibrant music culture, there is a lot of support for local bands that play regularly around the city at various venues. I like the fact that you can go to different bars and coffee shops and there will be open mic nights on where you can sit and listen, get up and play or ask for requests. The jazz and blues festival is a great asset to the city. In addition the botanical gardens is beautiful, I like to go have a coffee and wander through the gardens.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The South facing slopes of the town and the winter sun. But especially the McManus and the DCA
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Without the chutzpah of Dundee Scotland would not have a games industry. As Scotland's leading games research publication, we strongly support Dundee's bid!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> No Body's Fool..... Dundee is the peoples city. Bordering now on all sides by Dundee relocaters Inclduing heading up the coast to Monifieth and beyond....invergowrie and Inchture and beyond including Newport, Tayport and St Andrews. Dundee has a great surrounding of People offering artisan, cultural and musical ideas and delivering something special for and too our City.
To me Dundee has it all .....too small to be a big shot and so different that you canna forget her!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> That even after 20 years I can be surprised by the happenings in Dundee.....there is always something going on if you know where to look...and part of the fun is in the looking.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The diversity of the people of Dundee. The different cultures, languages, nationalities and acceptance of all types of individual. The way in which all of these individuals come together to call themselves Dundonians.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The beautiful buildings
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It's history and how it has constantly been trying to build itself up to be a more positive place
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> My son Don Nicolson and daughter Cindy Nicolson were both born in the city. Don is a singer songwriter who won Dougie McCleans songwriter of the year award a few years back, and plays solo gigs all over the place. Cindy is also a singer songwriter who sings solo and is a vocalist/guitarist/songwriter with the group Mamasbaby which plays all over Perth and dundee, the highlands and toured europe as did Don. They are very talented people and come from a long line of musicians. My father who died at the age of 37 from cancer was a singer song writer too and he was the trainer for the under 21s Osborne team in Dundee back in the 40`s.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has an outstanding school's music program. Talented and enthusiastic teachers go to all of Dundee's primary and high schools weekly to work with children. The sheer quality of the music produced by the Dundee School's Symphony Orchestra, Concert Band, Rock Band, Percussion Ensemnle, Guitar Ensemble, Pipe Band etc etc is awe inspiring. These children are a massive credit to Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The waterfront is something that makes the city standout . As we are making it better, it will make Dundee a Scottish city landmark.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I am excited by the work of Literary Dundee - the literary festival and book prize, their monthly salons and sundry projects and publications. Literary Dundee celebrates the bright creative talents of writers in the city, and brings exciting literary figures to Dundonian audiences.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> great city for students
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Has anyone mentioned DC Thompson's yet?! The Beano, The Dandy, The Broons... and my fave, Twinkle :) ... spawning the talents of Jacqueline Wilson, Alexander McGregor and Andrew Nicoll.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Great little place with a little bit of everything.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Development.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> As a student, I love the variety of bars and restaurants. The social aspect of the city is buzzing.

The sea front on a sun soaked day is outstanding.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The climbing wall in the church-I think it surprises most of the people coming from continental Europe.
But what I like about Dundee the most is the international environment, especially within the College of Life Sciences. We are a bunch of strangers gathered here from all around the world, and we really stick together, we are a family here, far away from home. I lived in Hungary and France before, but nowhere is as easy to find friends as it is in Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Overgate and Wellgate. Got nice shops.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The view, from riverside you get stunning vistas of the Tay and Fife, from the Law you get stunning views all around. The people are intelligent, engaged and forward thinking.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is defined by its people. Although many don't have much, they are rich in character, spirit and friendship. For me Dundee is a great place to live and grow up and truly has something for everyone.
Although the streets are ever changing, Dundee has kept its own character due to its people.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has a fantastic cultural depth which has integrated itself into the fabric of the city - the people who work full time in offices and building sites but make music with their friends in studios and pubs and halls at night; those who discover a love and ability for writing and poetry through attending writer's workshops and gaining support from others at literary evenings; and the artists who encourage each other to expose their work to strangers. In Dundee, this is all multigenerational and not bound by class.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The people - I've never met friendlier people in my entire life. Walks down by the Tay and afternoons spent on Magdalen green on a sunny day are unbeatable!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Everything about Dundee makes me proud to it's my home
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its contribution to the world at large.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A City of poverty and richness beyond your wildest dreams. Now a City thats modest and Cool like no other
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I lived in Dundee for 4 years as a student. It is truly wonderful and inspirational,made all the better by the Dundonians themselves,who I consider contributed to making me the person I am now more than my degree!! - Dundee and all those Dundonians who made my life wonderful will always have a big place in my heart!!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There is a lot crammed into this compact city. It doesn't seem to matter what is achieved in Dundee, there is a sense of constantly striving forward. Dundee is vibrant cultural hub with an industrial past, which reflects the positivity of the welcoming people who live here.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The fantastic DCA!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The people! I have met so many wonderful people from.Dundee,a welcoming community without judgement. There is so much talent in the city,musicians,artists and just general friendliness!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There is always something going on and the great people of dundee
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm looking forward to visiting later this week, up from Yorkshire. Can't wait to visit the most fantastic cafe, Jessie's Kitchen, a real hidden gem. Wonderful cakes and drinks with a wonderful view over the Tay.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> When I told people I was moving to dundee everyone back home was under the impression that it was a nasty city - dirty and full of trouble.
I've lived here 2 years now and loved every second.
This bid could help change people's opinions and could help show them all that dundee has to offer.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Dundee science community has a really appetite for collaboration, innovation and growth. Exciting new projects between disciplines are creating a new future and discoveries.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Discovery, McManus Galleries, Caird Hall, Law Hill, The Waterfront and so many more things is what makes Dundee such a wonderful place!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Close community and group of friends, a smaller city bringing more of us together.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is situated beside the seaside and the Sidlaw Hills. Take the children to Broughty Ferry, build sandcastles, paddle, spot the dolphins, watch the busy Sand Martins, take a stroll through Barnhill Rock Garden. Take them into the city to sample the wonderful parks, Camperdown with its children's zoo and play area. Dudhope Park with its Castle and Skateboard Park, Baxter Park, Victoria Park, Caird Park the list goes on. Climb the Law and see the magnificent bridges and the views of the Kingdom of Fife. Head into the Sidlaw Hills for rambling. There's plenty to see and do in and around Dundee. Come visit and see for yourself.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The quality of higher education on offer in Dundee is exceptional, as attested by warm and enthusiastic student reports. World class research in a range of academic fields is recognised in the wider academic community and places Dundee University (including of course Duncan of Jordanstone College) among the very best available.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The views in Dundee are fantastic. There is lots to do and see! You couldn't visit Dundee for just a day, you would have to take a whole week!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Everything is on our doorstep here - great countryside, lovely parks, theatres and museums. But the best thing is the people, who are genuinely interested in me, and why I'm here, and what I do. Perhaps this most sunny of the Scottish cities has given its residents a naturally sunny disposition.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee went into an industrial nosedive in the 1970s, which I remember well. After many painful years it has emerged as a vibrant university town humming with energy, youth and ideas. It is wonderful to see old jute mills converted to artists' studios, to visit a refurbished McManus, to eat at the DCA and the Rep. The waterfront project is well under way, as is a physic garden being constructed by volunteers at Ninewells. Energy is the word !
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee's resilience - it's been knocked down many times and come back stronger than ever !!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Seeing The Rings of Saturn for the first time from Mills Observatory on Balgay Hill ....... guided by Dundee's own municipal astronomer !
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has many cultural assets but none richer or more surprising than its people. Resilient, honest and acute in their analysis of events, cultural phenomena and ephemera that impress themselves, so urgently, upon less doubtful populations, their creativity is all the more authentic as a result.
Expressed through a distinctive dialect, Dundee wit is like a silk lining on a coat made of jute. It can be rough but is ultimately comforting and made of the finest material. Dundee is changing but let's hope we keep the essence of what makes Dundee the place it is.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A mIghty long bridge
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Creativity, industry and science all in one fun exciting city!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Having never stepped foot in the city until my first day at University I had no idea what to expect, but the friendliness and welcoming attitude got me straight away, 11 years later I feel like Dundee is home, and I am very excited about what my future holds living in this ever developing city. The open spaces in Dundee are great, you never feel enclosed. With such easy access to beautiful countryside, beaches, hills and forests, why would you need to live anywhere else?
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The creative hub that Dundee has become... What many people still don't know is that Dundee is a hot spot of creative talent waiting to be utilised. From the well known such as Hayley Scanlan, the DCA and Vanilla Ink, to the undergraduates at DJCAD who are always pushing the boundaries and ready for more. This is a clear reason for the V and A choosing Dundee as its scottish venue and a great reason for Dundee to become 2017 city of culture.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> What surprises me is the lack of publicity and awareness of the old curved wynds between high street and harbour. Much of the shape of the city remains from medieval times yet the old masonry is unloved and needs to be made more of.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has such a great location - between the Tay with it's dolphins and seals and the fabulous Angus glens. Great art centres, museums, theatre, cafe's - it's diverse, yet on a scale that feels more like a big village than a impersonal urban sprawl. And I the Wellgate clock - when I was little my grandpa would take me to see it chime at midday - I still love it!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Arriving at Dundee the first time, I was surprised about the architecture. Look up, and you will find some amazing buildings. My favourite place is without doubt the McManus museum. What a wonderful place.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is large enough to be a vibrant city, but small enough to still have a small-town friendliness. I work in tourism, and visitors are continually surprised by the overall attitude of Dundonians - it's what keeps bringing people back to the city, and why I'd rather be here than anywhere else.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Being a past student of UoD, I can honestly say I would have rather gone nowhere else. The best student union in the UK and a strong student culture that is really celebrated by the entire city. Dundee is a city with the best parts of a busy city and a friendly town, the community really gets together and is united through love of their hometown.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The people. Everyone here is so friendly! The beautiful sunsets over the River Tay, and the beaches too!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> In my opinion Dundee is the ideal candidate for City of Culture. It has a 'ripe', 'up for it' feel that reeks readiness for the challenge and the honours that come with this accolade. The goodness in the people of Dundee will fulfil this role and will ensure a rich harvest of culture with the greatest of pride.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The DCA Print studio is a great place to work, they are supportive of all Artists at every stage of their career.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Botanic Gardens is a hidden treasure of Dundee. Lots to see, do and eat for all the family at any time of year! Dundee people are always positive, happy, friendly people and this is one of the best things about the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> St. Peter's Free Church of Scotland is probably the greatest place and family in the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is the place I associate with vibrancy. The art college and university are places of excellence, and both have produced pioneers in their fields.
The artistic community has a similar buzz which Glasgow had in the 1980s!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I remember coming out of the Caird Hall in June some years ago, to find I was in Moscow in December! With snow and pictures of Stalin. The BBC had transromed the city square into a set for it's play 'An Englishman Abroad' set in comunist Russia in the cold war - it was amazing and yet another example of Dundee's rich yet unsung cultural patchwork.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Without doubt the most underrated city in Scotland, 4 years there as a student made me proud to have chosen Dundee over the traditional university cities which peers from my area were choosing. An innovative forward thinking city with the best weather in Scotland! People are missing out on a great city by listen to the sterotype, Ive done my bit to change my friends views by getting them to visit the city and the city played its role to perfection too.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I am from China. and I came to Dundee for my postgraduate study. For me the hidden beauty in dundee is the idea of connecting people together. There is incredibly huge amont of talented people in Dundee and the idea of connecting them together to make things happen is great. I remember when I was in my exchange year, my teacher Jonathan Baldwin tried to connect me to an illustrator student who is doing research of Chinese Calligraphy, while I am doing my master's project, my study advisor also introduces other brilliant people to me. Sometimes finding the right person to talk is an extremely efficient way of doing things
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is lovely city, I was impressed by the cleanliness in the city and the commitment that people have in their jobs. I attended the epidemiology classes and it was amazing. the reception on arrival was fantastic, the organization was lovely. we had wonderful lecturers who were knowledgeable. The rooms where we were putting up were lovely and we also had a wonderful kitchen where we prepared our meals. I also admired your public relations. keep up the lovely culture. bravo and have a lovely time during your Bid. I would love to visit Dundee again and enjoy their hospitality
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Women's History Walk taught me about Dundee women's long history of innovation, creativity and political struggle.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The richness of the art scene!
In the late Nineties I enjoyed going to exhibitions and events in London. Now I'm getting the same buzz from openings and exhibitions here in Dundee. Thanks to DCA, DJCAD, Generator and several generations of art students who have stuck around the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has long been the central hub of video games development in Scotland. The days of 300 employee developers are gone, but in their place a thriving, vibrant community of smaller developers has emerged. More agile, more creative and more suited to the constantly changing world of video games. It's an exciting time for Dundee. :)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I like the discovery ship
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> People care. Culture Reflects that.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The City itself.
It is full of little surprises that you never new about until you accidentally discover them.
Old beautiful Buildings you didn't know existed in the middle of the busy high street. Or even some of the people that used to live here.

Its strong history gives it a sense of culture I have never seen before.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> great views of the Tay, history of the discovery
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has created amazing musicians, scholars and passionate people who have shaped the world.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The sheer welcoming atmosphere from the people who live there. I'm not a resident - in fact I live on the other side of the globe. But I visit frequently to see family. Every time I visit everybody I meet in the city is extremely friendly and welcoming and eager to chat it up. The people are amazing and I have yet to be received the same elsewhere in Scotland!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> That after completing my dance degree in Dundee I have managed to get a full time job with Smallpetitklein Dance Company which is an exciting and dynamic company based in Dundee. Under the artistic direction of Thomas Small the company has a successful international performance company as well as a diverse community strand. Everyday is new and exciting!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The changes are suprising
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The wealth and diversity of Dundee's green spaces. Stand on the Law in summer and see how green the city is. Balgay Hill. Botanic Gardens, Baxter Park, Templeton and Middleton Woods, Barnhill Rock Garden to name but a few, and Dundee's hidden gem, the Miley Urban Wildlife Site in Lochee. There are many many more, some of them used for education purposes as well as leisure. On practically every corner there
are Trees, bushes, planters and hanging baskets. On most roundabouts and roadside edges there is some planting even if it is only the bulbs in spring. I love Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee's thriving cultural scene, for far too long, Scotland's best-kept secret, is now bursting out all over! Dundee is pulsating with creative ideas and regeneration!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The observatory: it's a trully remarkable place near the city centre. Also, the city should probably include St. Andrews and the rest of the region, since that would certainly help get more attention.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Moved to Dundee as a child, instantly fell in love with the city. The Old Overgate, Wellgate, Royal Arch, the city arcade, spent many a happy penny there. Was saddened when the heart was ripped out of the city but now delighted with the new vibrant Dundee that has so much to offer students and tourists alike, with so much more to come. Dundee will forever be my home.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has an amazing group called the ruby Tuesday. we are women who unite once a week and run community drama workshops that all women of any age are welcome too. we empower. We explore. We love. we laugh. We give each other the support that's needed. we are waiting to climb on to the Dundee map. With time effort and energy. ..we Will make it.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Growing up rather poor and with some nasty experiences I came to the point in 6th year of highschool where I was ready to leave my hometown and pursue my dream of becoming a clinical psychologist. I had some outstanding achievements- sporting and otherwise- but I feared that my studying had been very much inhibited by my circumstances. The University of Dundee uniquely offered me the opportunity of summer school as a condition, having sent out an email asking of any outstanding circumstances. This holistic view and kindheartedness shone out above the other universities and I excitedly accepted.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Despite being stuck in between oil rich Aberdeen and tourist attraction Edinburgh the people of Dundee continue to forge ahead in transforming the city from an old industrial one to one of high-tech business, excellent education and an arts, and culture scene that is becoming more tourist and citizen friendly every day, regardless of boom and bust economics.
While proud of our heritage, the people of Dundee continue to focus on their future, making it a better and brighter place for tomorrow.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Junior Bike 2012 (&amp;2006) organised and funded by Michelin Tyre. Supporting the young children of the city and encouraging them to be active as well as safe.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The DCA is a wonderful place, always showing great movies that wouldn't be seen at the multiplexes, as well as giving plenty of opportunities to learn about film and to be artistic.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Fewest of people arrive in Dundee with expectations but most of them leave with the fondest of memories. It must be the atmosphere of the people that leave something quite indescribable in the heart of every visitor.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> What surprises me about Dundee is its distinct character, as though it were an admired, trusty and respected friend to it's inhabitants and visitors alike. The city's bairns form the roots of this collective character that comes through in strength; it welcomes me home and puts me at ease. I smile and long to stay.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Such a compact yet diverse city, providing far more for my education than simply getting a degree! The ability to get to know so many students over so many disciplines and meet so many of the local Dundonians over a four year period has been an abiding memory for well over thirty years! An honest,down to earth city with a rich academic and industrial heritage, marvellously blended with it's enchanting outlook over the Tay! Culture without a hint of pretentiousness!!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The big sky over Fairmuir Park on a summer's evening, walking back home from The Plough.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The seals on the riverbank under the rail bridge, the amazing work and environment at Maggie's Centre, the golden light in the early morning and the fantastic views across the Tay from so many unexpected places, the Beano sculptures in City Square, the awesome organ in the Caird Hall and the talent of the actors and designers at Dundee Rep, the excellent standard of music at Bell Street, the Dundee Symphony Orchestra and the exciting art and design at Duncan of Jordanstone. Dundee is a real mix - from proud and special Graduation ceremonies celebrating student achievement to quiet everyday efforts to improve the lives of people who are really in need, through projects like the Steeple Parish Nursing project and DD1 network.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has more history in its proverbial little finger, you just have to know where to look. From the Unicorn to the Howff, I hope more people come to discover it in 2017
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It's a hoora place
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Wonderful memories of student life in Dundee in the early 1980s - the intimacy of a small city, the wry humour and endearing local dialect, the rich history (jam, jute and journalism), the creativity and individuality.... Small city with BIG personality!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The 24-hour bakery - a place full of wonder, magic and mystery!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Me sorprende su hermosa Arquitectura, organización, cultura, costumbres y todo su avance
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The old higgledy piggledy buildings against a backdrop of the swathe of the River Tay, and the unexpected gastronomic delights in a hidden restaurant here and a quirky bistro there.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The independent development of resources, supported by local people. Support given to theatre, - professional and amateur {music and drama}. Scots music, song and poetry is endemic - popular,widespread and developing. A strong centre for Art and the Arts and prominent in the sciences (medicine, biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, IT skills,computing and traditional sciences. Dundee is a cultural centre for East and Central Scotland, Britain and the World, with many foreign students and visitors.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The city centre on a busy Saturday afternoon.... everyone going about there business. Love the hustle and bustle of this.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The way the people welcome you into their lives, their dreams, their failures, their success.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> McManus galleries offer a wonderful insight into the rich history of the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It has so much to offer from historic interests right through to creative arts (games design companies) whilst having two internationally recognised universities making the city known far and wide.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a city of great cultural richness, but the area in which I feel it excels is that of theatre. Both professionally, with the ensemble at Dundee Rep, and in the amateur field, Dundee presents an amazing variety of theatrical performances. Recent amateur productions include "Cats", "The Sound of Music" and "Whistle Down the Wind" with "Miss Saigon School Edition", "Parade" and "Spamalot" still to come this year. Absolutely fabulous darling! l
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The supports of Dundee United are a very well dressed bunch. Kudos! Dundee, more than any city I can think of, deserves this title. A boost is more than due!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee Is a great city with many things to do and see and it also is the gateway to the Angus Glens and north Fife. But Most of all its the place I grew up in, went to school in, went plundering, went berry-picking in and is Home to the greatest team ever Dundee FC and when I finish my days working down in Leeds I will come Hame to the Big 'D' to see old friends and reconnect with this Constantly evolving city that never forgets its past. Forward Thinking Dundee...as always :)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I was a student in Dundee many years ago and recently visited the city. The city has changed so much - not in terms of the buildings, but in terms of the vibrancy and the general feel of the place.
Dundee is a compact city with a lively, creative arts scene, with the added benefit of being right next door to beautiful countryside and coast.
Above all else - Dundee is moving forward!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Nothing surprises me about Dundee. I am a proud Dundonian and think my city deserves to be shown off to a wider audience.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The famous Nine Trades of Dundee --nine groups keeping alive 500 years of tradition and culture through the ancient guilds which made Dundee thrive --from medieval times. A great legacy.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Always busy in Dundee--family events all year round, theatre, outdoor, sport...if only there were more days in the week. So many shows to see, exhibitions to visit, alone, with children or groups...Dundee offers it all on my doorstep! I wake up to the vista that is the beautiful Tay, flanked by unique bridges and city architecture..a joy to cross that river into the heart of a city, minutes away for miles of pleasure.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The city was home to Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson in the late 19th/early 20th centuries who was an extraordinary biologist, mathematician and classicist - a true polymath.

The view from the top of The Law is amazing.

