We Back Dundee as a City of Culture



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It always amazes me when I find out about all the activities on offer in this city from keep fit and wellness in the older communities through DHLI to free Yoga sessions for children at Heartspace Yoga. Dundee has many faces : friendly, feisty, hardworking, cultured and multi cultural, sporty. There are wonderful places to eat and drink and relax with fantastic views over the river Tay. We have the most wonderful people who are so proud of our achievements and our city.

<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> 2 universities each prominent in its expertise draw in students and researchers from all over the world. These visitors bring the rich diversity of so many different cultures to the city and many become long term residents . Living in the West End I am constantly reminded of the cosmopolitan nature of Dundee in 2013 which was largely absent as I was growing up here.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its labour history and political history is a deep and wonderful vein for a historian to study.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> That the city is constantly changing and developing.
That is a city but feels like a small town.
That it is underrated and undiscovered by many.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love the view of the city from Fife - I always have that feeling of returning home. I could never imaging living anywhere else, I love the city &amp; its people. Dundee has reinvented itself in the past &amp; will do so again in the future.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> McManus Art Gallery is a hidden gem. The history and culture of Dundee all one one place. Very interesting.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a great centre for some scenic bike rides. Whether it be heading from downtown to Broughty Ferry or up to Camperdown Park and beyond. One of my personal favourites is heading over the Tay Road Bridge and looking back on the city. Coming back over the bridge, it has to be one of the best entrances and views entering a city anywhere in the UK.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A very strong artist-led community, with events at Tin Roof, Generator and WASPS studios.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> the whale oil an' the stoor

it's in the blood - way down
in the depth and the darkness of our river
you can feel it coming in
like a distant whispering in the wind
blowing in wi' the haar from the north east

it's in the sweep of the girders that cross the Tay
over the wide expanse of water

it's in the re built bridge that took us forward
to the re discovery

it's deep down
with the feeling of pride
in the building of ships
for the whalers
in the hard grey dockyards along the water's edge

the ships that connected us
with the world beyond
and reached out
to the furthest away places on earth
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> How rapidly Dundee is charging forward.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Mennie's Bar (Sunday name is Speedwell Tavern) on Perth Road is a gem of a pub. Spent many happy hours in my youth being served by Mrs Mennie herself and her Manager Ian Thomson
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I have looked out on the Tay all my life, now I have a view with the bridges in it now, I love that every day I look out the river changes. And it's even better from the top of the Law!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A city where you can go for a walk in the hills in the morning, enjoy the beach in the afternoon, and then recharge yourself with a great meal and drink before catching some live music or a play in the evening. Everything is so accessible!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The sun always shines in Dundee - a walk down by the Tay and the bridge on a beautiful day, so peaceful (and you are still in the middle of the city!).
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Always a thrill to drive over the "Silv'ry Tay" on the approach to Dundee-it looks different every time depending on the weather, but "silvery" it always is!  Then there is the "Can Do" attitude which is apparent everywhere in all the building work at the Waterfront, and finally the down to earth friendliness of the people.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There is an incredible thirst for knowledge in Dundee as can be seen in the great variety of public meetings and the huge numbers that attend them. Some of the Saturday evening lectures at the university attract 800 people or more.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm always pleased to see so much activity to meet new people and discover what projects are happening. There is so much excitement to do with innovation and design. There are so many beautiful things that made so many creatives.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Jute, jam and journalism made Dundee, so they said in school. The real hidden secret though is the people, they make it! And, the Highland cows on the way in, the DCA, the University, the Beano, the Tay, McGonagall's poems &amp; the V&amp;A one day! It's a hidden hub of creativity. Go Dundee!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is no longer only a city of Discovery, it is a city which has re-invented itself. Like many places, the loss of industry was a severe blow. However, it has developed new industry, new strengths and new pride. Cancer research, arts, computer games; it's a reinvention based around research, creativity and ingenuity.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Cannae beat a proper Dundonian cultural experience in the twa Clarkys- starting with Clarks live music bar on Lindsay Street for the most bangin' new folky vibes you'll find in Scotland and a few pints with the local belters. Best followed in the early hours by a peh wi a panini fae Clarkys 24 hour bakery (Scotland's finest 24 hour eatery). Glorious
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> everything is within walking distance! encourages healthy life style :)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Great tourist attractions, museums, parks. Ideal for river walks and views. Interesting places to dine and ideal place to live plus it is easy to get to other Scottish cities from here. Great for shopping and lovely Botanic garden.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has a buzz about - new architecture resulting in amazing buildings that the world should share
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Scotland's national contemporary dance company is based in Dundee at the Rep.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Botanic Gardens ...one of my most favourite places in Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Sunniest place in Scotland!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> After living in Dundee for over 30years the river continues to delight me. You can see it at the same time every day and it is never the same, weather , tide, time of year and light. It is so much an integral part of the city yet sets the city off. To the landward side of Dundee there are fantastic walks in the Sidlaws. Living in Dundee gives you the advantages of a city yet within 30 minutes drive you are in lovely countryside. An incredible combination.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> With Bonnie Dundee you get Scotland in a nutshell.
Red squirrels in the city parks; beautiful Angus hills and wilderness and dolphins on your doorstep and waterfront: Your universities, art college, film school, theatres; the V&amp;A coming and yet a Sunday morning so quiet you can imagine you are in a village long ago where people still walk to, and dress to, go to church.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm often astonished by extraordinary architecture in our city centre streets, especially if you look upwards at the rooflines. Dundee has some magnificent buildings evoking earlier periods in our city's long and famous history.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> How it changes so much but never really changes at all. I was born in Dundee but now live in Essex. The city changes with various buildings being demolished and new ventures being completed every time I visit. But as you walk through the crowds, you notice that the people don't change and there is a tremendous amount of loyalty that stretches back through generations. Dundonians are proud to be just that and that is something that will never change!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee went into an industrial nosedive in the 1970s, which I remember well. After many painful years it has emerged as a vibrant university town humming with energy, youth and ideas. It is wonderful to see old jute mills converted to artists' studios, to visit a refurbished McManus, to eat at the DCA and the Rep. The waterfront project is well under way, as is a physic garden being constructed by volunteers at Ninewells. Energy is the word !
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The beauty of our coastline, looking onto the Silvery Tay each morning as the sun rises. What a wonderful panoramic view everywhere you look. The hustle and bustle of our small but gregarious town, friendly, neighbourly and people are just generally happy. I think our town is the best town in Scotland and wouldn't want to live anywhere else!!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I was a student in Dundee many years ago and recently visited the city. The city has changed so much - not in terms of the buildings, but in terms of the vibrancy and the general feel of the place.
Dundee is a compact city with a lively, creative arts scene, with the added benefit of being right next door to beautiful countryside and coast.
Above all else - Dundee is moving forward!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The people of Dundee are the most generous and friendly people any where, and for all the bad press it gets there are hundreds of good people who get no press who do fab work ,the diversity of culture and creed never ceases to amaze me either,and the ability for other cultures to not only be welcomed in Dundee ,but to flourish should be recognised ,Oh not forgetting the Dandy and the Beano ...Oor Willie and the Broons fae Glebe street ...
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a fantastic place! You have to visit to believe it.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee's hidden secret is its people ! We like to laugh, we like to sing, we like to dance and make merry. We are spirited and determined, while being approachable and welcoming. The winning of this bid would enhance the opportunity for the people of Dundee to let the nation and beyond recognise what this City has to offer. Which is an abundance of ' hidden treasures ' in one shape or another. Ye ken it maks sense !
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> This is such an amazing place to bring up children with so many interesting museums including the science centre and Discovery and a fantastic number of parks with fabulous play equipment across the city including Camperdown Park with its wonderful wildlife centre and brilliant Ranger services.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> hidden secrets
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It's where the heart is!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has so many positive attributes from our two universities, burgeoning game industry, our waterfront project is going to be a game changer.

So many wondeful people/achievements have come from Dundee that winning the City of Culture would help the next generation achieve even more
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A small city maybe but it has everything you need - culture (museums and theatre), shops, universities - and all on your doorstep. Plus it has Dundonians - some of the friendliest people one could ever hope to meet. I love it here!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> When I first was considering studying art at Dundee I took a train journey up for the open day. The conductor was horrible refused to accept my card and was very unhelpful when I asked what I could do as I had no money on me. A stranger sitting next to me offered to pay my fare and I could repay her when we got off at Dundee. Once we were in Dundee and I had given the money back she turned out to be an art student and took me to the art college! Dundee's friendliness inspires me!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It's got to be the view of the city from Newport. Over the impressive tay bridge, looking back on the city as is rests upon the River Tay. The skyline undulates from west to east, gently extending its reach to the hidden beaches beyond.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The fantastic food spots on offer! The overall vibe from the city is great!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its ability to adapt and reinvent itself in terms of hardship
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> All the cheeky birds.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Coldside Community Fun day is an annual festival with Dundee poets, singers, bands, dancers, pipe bands and arts and crafts activities for young people. All organised by community volunteers , it attracts around 500 people each year. Its a great display of community spirit and local talent.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It's a city with a community, heart and soul. It is unique
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> How since going to university, every time I come home something new has changed; in the last few years Dundee has become confident, and proud of itself! And obviously the all-night bakery is Dundee's biggest hidden secret...
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The city of Dundee was the first Scottish city to have suffragettes bringing to light the inequities if the time. When you scratch the surface of our understated city you will find such depth, humour and humanity that this example shoes. Also a rich dialect that will educate visitors-do you know what a circle is? :) Dundee is a truly lovely place
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> What surprises me about Dundee is the buzz around town! Everyone is always cheery and chatty, and no one hides away from anything. The city is full of confident individuals which makes living in the city a beneficial experience for everyone! I come from a small village, but living in Dundee has certainly given my small town attitude a makeover!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Great communications to all parts of Scotland and UK. Fantastic setting on the Tay and beaches up the coast to Broughty Ferry and Carnoustie.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Women's History Walk taught me about Dundee women's long history of innovation, creativity and political struggle.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> broughty ferry beach in all weathers
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Our ability to continually innovate, inspire and engage is difficult to beat. From Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, The Rep Theatre and DCA, to computer games, technology and design the City, in its own quiet way, makes a big impact across the world.
The UK should be proud to have Dundee as City of Culture.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee always surprises me. Each time I visit I seem to discover something new that makes me want to return.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> If you see Dundee in sunshine, it is a lovely place. Yet seeing it when it rains and all is grey and the Tay river whirls with the wild currents, that is what summons the bitter-sweet nostalgia of the past, of the industrial times and streetcars passing through the city center.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Great city filled with lots of wonderful things to do.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> This is my home town. It always has been since I was born here. I left in the 60's to go to London but returned in the 70's after I married &amp; lived in London. I was desperate to leave Dundee when I was young but when I returned I really appreciated how much standards of living had improved, especially compared to London and the accesibility to the countyside wihout a queue of traffic.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has the most beautiful light, huge skies and sunsets - a luminosity that is inspiring and uplifting. I've always felt that Dundee could be the Brighton of the North. It's got that sea side feel with it's maze of little streets and Victorian shop fronts that are just waiting to be filled with independent retailers and art projects. I was in London and Brighton just last weekend and kept thinking of Dundee and what the light would be like at that time of day. Dundee is just waiting. Appreciate it now, avoid the rush!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I haven't lived in Dundee for nearly 20 years but still consider it my home and return every couple of months. Any time I bring a friend with me to the city, they are absolutely blown away by how friendly and helpful everyone is, from bus drivers to bar staff, from the young to the old. It always makes me feel proud of the city and its people.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It is incredible to see this City growing and thriving on all the support it is currently receiving. Long may it last.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The stories my gran told me of her time in the jute mills will never be forgotten. What terrible conditions to work under, for very little pay. The hard times they lived through made the women of Dundee strong but humorous, and a real sense of family. My gran's, and her parents, philosophy on family has been passed down the generations to my own children. Dundonian and proud.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I came to Dundee for a short period and now 14 years later it is my home. I love the size of the city and the village feel. Mrs William's newsagent in the Perth Road has been operating for over 30 years and who better to pop in and visit of a morning than herself. She has become a good friend and we will all sorely miss her when she retires in the near future. It's people like this along with its vibrant art scene and waterfront location that makes Dundee a truly unique place to live.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I have studied twice in Dundee and lived there for three years. It's a friendly welcoming place, full of real people. I knew very little about the place when I went there but would recommend it to anyone. It is an unassuming place with lots to offer. The fun is in discovering all the things that make Dundee unique whether it is historical, cultural, the scenery or the weather!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has an amazing variety of people, with tonnes of things going on all the time: I'm repeatedly surprised to find out about all the music, art, innovation and imagination seeping out of our city's pores!!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I relocated to Dundee from Glasgow 10 years ago and I love this city. It has everything, restaurants, shows, casinos and lots more.. Loads of stuff for the little ones too, from the Science Centre to Camperdown Park AMAZING city to live in
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> From McGonagall to International Book Prize
From Science Sensation to Arts Centre
From Botanical Garden to Dens Park
From yacht racing to ancient warship
From Bell Rock Lighthouse to Balgay Observatory
From Desperate Dan to Captain Scott
From Championship Golf to Championship Curling
From aerobatics over the Tay to freezing new year swims across the Tay
From seals basking by the old bridge to skeins of geese above it
From a visionary Repertory Company to world beating Cancer Researchers
Are we A city of culture?
No, we are THE City of Culture
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Every time I leave Dundee, I think I'm done with it. I return grudgingly, only to realise that Dundee is not done with me. I rediscover lost pockets of memories. I discover hidden gems. I reconnect with old friends. I engage with new communities. Music, film, photography, games, animation, journalism, fine art... A city full of potential the world has yet to appreciate. It's time.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> After living in another area I now realise how much I miss my home town. Proud to say I am a Dundonian!!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has a way of sneeking up on you. I should know..i came on a 2 year contract and am still here almost 30 years later (despite having had several opportunities to leave) Whilst it may have deserved some of the criticism it used to receive(it was very insular), I believe it has evolved far more than any other city in the last 25 years. The change came when they brought the Discovery ship, the waterfront has finally changed and will be amazing when we get the V&amp;A . The V&amp;A in Dundee? They would never have believed it possible 25 years ago
I rest my case
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I was surprised how much cricket goes on in Dundee and the surrounding area. There are four clubs in Dundee alone, and some really nice grounds. Back Dundee and back grass-roots cricket!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> My favourite thing is doing the penguin puppet show at the boat (Discovery). Katherine 4 and a half
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The city is ready for change - despite the economic issues it faces, despite the impact of a difficult history and despite the outdated perception of some people outside the City. It is in the process of positive change and achieving UK City of Culture status would accelerate that process.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> all the little details - benches in the street which are wiggly rather than standard straight ones, arty bollards, dragon wrapped around a street sign etc etc etc, so many
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its huge creativity
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Each time I travel over the bridge by train, I am alsways filled with such pride being greeted by the simply stunning views. I've seen many a time where people have never travelled this way before are excited by the views, getting up out of their seats to try and see more, and the lovely comments you overhear people make, makes you smile from ear to ear :-) ...also, going down to Broughty Ferry Beach and watching dolphins - just wonderful. No where better in the world, and the sands and shores compete with any mediterranean coastline on a sunny day B-)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> As an incomer I have discovered so many hidden wonders, from her Industrail Heritage in Jute, Jam and Journalism to the strength and vitality of the women of the city, as Civil Rights and Trade union Leaders as well as religious icons. Dundee's history is a wonderful web of intrigue enriched by her people.
I love that the Universities integrate so well and add to that.
We have much to be proud of! A walk round Balgay Cemetery tells amazing stories.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has got so many tourist attractions such as the Whitfield shops and the job centre and a new Victoria and Albert Design Centre, and the homeless unit.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Great live music, lovely art galleries, friendly people, great restaurants, rich history. I love Dundee!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I am from Dundee myself but live in Norway. The thing I love about being Dundonian is that we are proud of where we come from despite often being the butt of jokes by people from other cities. When I got married in Dundee the Norwegians loved Dundee and Dundonians. There are many famous Dundonians that have contributed a lot to national and international culture. From astronomers to actors. One of my favourite places is the Mills Observatory. Hidden in the trees of Balgay, the observatory is a local gem.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Camperdown park is a delightful park which hosts a variety of different community events throughout the year. There is a play area for children, a wildlife centre, duck pond and golf course/tennis courts which provide a fantastic resource for the whole family right in the centre of the city. Great for long walks and BBQ's in the summer time and sledging in the winter.

Empire State coffee house is a fantastic cafe right in the centre of Dundee. Espress-Oh! is another great new place on the Perth road. Lots of great little independent shops and cafes all along the Perth road which is near to the University and popular with students.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love the different walks around the city that appeal to all level of walkers and interests. I particularly like the Dighty Trail and the Bridgefoot walk. The walks in and around the City Centre reveal the many past and present historical and cultural aspects of the City. I love Dundee... it's a wee gem.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its the Home of Comics!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is full of surprises (for those who don't yet fully understand how wonderfully vibrant our wee city actually is!) There is a huge amount of creative and cultural activity happening all over the city... you just have to be dedicated to seeking it out! And if there's something in particular that you think should be happening in the city, whether that's a new club night or a new Japanese restaurant ;) ... then there is a strong network and a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm around to support new ideas and put them in to action!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The people! I moved here from Aberdeen 10 years ago and have always found the people here so friendly and down to earth. they are honest (sometimes too honest) but i like that! Dundee is my home now!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> We have some of the best live music in Dundee ! Currently on the go are; Anderson, McGinty, Webster, Ward and Fisher - The Boston Tea Party - The View - Deacon Blue - Ricky Ross - The Hazy Janes - Danny Wilson - Alan Gorrie - (AWB) Not forgetting those who are sadly no longer with us - The late Michael Marra - Dougie Martin and many many more!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The pride of being home to 'the world's worst poet' William McGonagall. Taking a walk by the riverside you get to see the immortal words of the sage like McGonagall carved in stone next to his beloved 'silvery Tay.'
A city with a sense of humour.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Camperdown parkrun started 15 months ago, and since then has built a community from accross the city, of people who show up every week to run or volunteer, and enjoy being in the great outdoors of Camperdown park. The generosity and welcoming atmosphere created every week is the highlight of my week in Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The return of its self-confidence and ambition - its always been there , but it's now being recognized. Go on Dundee!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> How much there is to see and do in Dundee. Many people including it's own citizens have a bad habit of talking Dundee down but it has superb visitor attractions eg the McManus Galleries, Discovery, Verdant works etc. Some of the architecture both old and modern is very atrractive. There is a great beach at Broughty Ferry, a cycle route round the city and many parks, golf courses etc within easy reach of the city centre. The counrtyside around Dundee provides plenty of walks for the able and less able. All in all it is a great place to live.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It is very dynamic and currently the regeneration near the River is inspiring. Dundee deserves this accolade.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love Dundee as it's my centre and gateway to magical Munros, beautiful white beaches, and scottish villiages, towns and cities to explore.

The ever evolving face of Dundee and the new exciting opportunities on our horizons is truly making Dundee one of the great capitals on Scotland!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee rep have been at the leading edge of regional theatre for as long as I can remember. I grew up with so many great productions that I didn't realise how special they were and how lucky I was until I moved away from the city. It's not so much a hidden secret as a treasure hidden in plain sight, so much a part if the Dundee landscape that its easy to forget what a truly amazing resource it is.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> One of the buried hidden secrets for me is the old Dundee Rep Theatre. I was lucky enough to work there as a child and teenager. These opportunities embedded within me a voice, a confidence and an understanding of others.
It also catapulted me into drama school, teaching and lecturing in colleges and universities across Scotland.
Dundee introduced me to the Drama and shaped my personal,professional and cultural life/lifestyles.
Work has taken me away for 35 years and I only returned 2 years ago.
A working class "laddie fae the scheme" who turned "oot no too bad!"
I am not the hero in this story..Dundee is!! Cityof Discovery indeed!!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is very well placed in Scotland,being near to Edinburgh,Glasgow and Aberdeen as well as near beautiful coastlines and countryside.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I studied at Duncan of Jordanstone art and design college. The diverse culture and variety in Dundee made it a great place to live in.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Dundee Mountain Festival! Always a great joy to go to. We are very lucky to hear and be inspired by epic adventurers each year, with the beauty of the great outdoors on our doorstep to enjoy afterwards.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love the warmth and welcoming people who made me feel at home when I came 28 years ago and now would never leave.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> McManus galleries offer a wonderful insight into the rich history of the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love Dundee's commitment to research and development, that it welcomes all with the friendliness and generosity with her citizens are renowned for. What surprises me is how surprised visitors are at how much to see and do there is here.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> How much it has improved over the last five years!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Our young people

Diversity in action
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The people.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Mary shelly plaque and her famous book Frankenstein
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Everyone is connected in some way, it's a small place
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Magdalene Green on a sunny day is a complete delight; the whole community gathers and basks in the sun, having BBQ's and playing sport. Is a delight to join or just to watch.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The millions of things you don't expect from Dundee - from dirt cheap language courses by BERA to adult gymnastics classes at the new Dick McTaggart Gymnastics Centre and belly dancing courses at the ISE. Basically all the things you get in a big city without losing the friendly attitude you get in wee cities like Dundee!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> For such a small city Dundee punches well above it's weight when it comes to musical talent. Dundonains were involved in bands such as The Average White Band in the 1970's to to The View in the 2000's. I was also surprised to learn that the Blues Festival held in Dundee is the biggest free blues music festival in Europe.

