We Back Dundee as a City of Culture



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I’m always inspired by the people in the City running their own businesses and getting involved in promoting the area – we live in a fantastic, innovative and creative place – its a stunning spot…I particularly love the architecture of our buildings!

<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm not from Dundee but I love visiting, there's always so much going and always something wonderful, inspiring and exciting to do or see.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I've lived in Dundee since 1985 and to this day the humour, the dry wit of the people still engages me. In town, the medieval rubs up against Starbucks, dotcom computer-game creators drink in the Phoenix next to old guys who worked in the boatyard. Go down to the riverside, look left and there's nothing out there until Denmark. 28 years in the city and I've been banged on the nose only once and, on that occasion, I was really asking for it. That has to say something.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> How Dundee is constantly breaking new ground in medical science.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Broughty Ferry Beach, The Law Hill, The Perth Road, Magadelen Green, Camperdown Park, the friendleness of the people!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Caird Hall was the place where I went to to escape from being homesick when I studied there. Beautiful music was always a way to forget my woes. The building itself was something to admire.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> When it's sunny, the city comes alive. People of all ages, shapes and sizes come out and enjoy the sun - and each other's company. People are having picnics, enjoying the sun, having some food and drinks, laughing and having fun. It's all relaxed and everyone's happy. Dundee is the sunniest city in Scotland, which shows not only in the weather but in the way people are.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> That despite people's perception of Dundee it has an incredibly vibrant creative culture which is only growing. It is very exciting!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Seeing The Rings of Saturn for the first time from Mills Observatory on Balgay Hill ....... guided by Dundee's own municipal astronomer !
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The thing I like about my city is walking through a wonderful diversity of shops in the centre of town, then five minutes on any bus takes me to the outskirts of of the town to a marvelous countryside that surrounds us with the River Tay flowing past on the other side
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A city on the east coast of Scotland, but with the most fantastic sunsets! Stand at the top of Ninewells Avenue when the tide is out and enjoy the amazing views of an almost empty River Tay.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love Dundee's gritty determination. It's a city that just won't back down, always looking forward and has a belief in itself.
And the best fish suppers can be had at The Silvery Tay in Menzieshill!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The river is becoming such a feature of the City - great place to be and it is going to get better!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The fantastic gaming community. Digital, table top, cards and board. From game shops to pubs you'll find gamers everywhere
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a city of paradoxes and contrasts. Whatever mood you're in or whatever you fancy to do.......Dundee will have a place to suit, to suprise and to inspire. All of this within an ultra-compact city form set in a stunning landscape and seascape.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There are so many opportunities for everyone in particular children and young people in education, and in the community through clubs and groups. Opportunities to learn to play music in an orchestra, group or band through school and outside school too. Lots of things to see and do from the Rep, DCA, the Dundee Science Centre, the Observatory, to the lovely views from the Law Hill. The history of Dundee told in the Verdant works, Discovery Quay Centre or McManus Galleries. Dundee is the City of Discovery.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I moved to Dundee in 2000 and intended to stay just long enough to do my degree, I am still here 13 years later, I fell in love with a city with a warm and friendly feel. My favourite thing in Dundee is our selection of parks, I particularly love Baxter Park, I'm lucky enough to live overlooking the park. Me and my dog love walking in the park. It's beautiful, clean and well looked after.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> One of the most amazing places in the city, though some may think it slightly morbid, is the Howff Cemetery located just to the north of the overgate shopping centre. This small plot of land encapsulates the history of the city through it's people. The headstones, though old and some damaged include the names of ship's captains, sugar merchants, bakers and weavers. Standing next to the old DC Thompson buildings, it is the one place in modern Dundee where you can truly appreciate everything that the city was and is. From jam, jute and journalism to the forefront of scientific research and discovery. This city is a truly amazing place, you only need to look!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> location location location - the river provides some of the most sublime light to be found in a British city
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I have studied twice in Dundee and lived there for three years. It's a friendly welcoming place, full of real people. I knew very little about the place when I went there but would recommend it to anyone. It is an unassuming place with lots to offer. The fun is in discovering all the things that make Dundee unique whether it is historical, cultural, the scenery or the weather!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The "couthy-ness" of people here!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm not a Dundonian - but love staying here. I do wish the locals knew what they had and could appreciate it though. Dundee is a braw place!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I came to Dundee 23 years ago as a young artist never imagined I'd stay so long, thinking then it was a good stepping-stone to bigger things, now, there is a different attitude. With an authentic and vibrant cultural community the city provides the perfect environment for young artists, designers and musicians to live and work. They are positively moving to Dundee, building businesses, networks, towards a flourishing, creative momentum. The city has transformed itself, and it's poised for even bigger and better things, a cultural renaissance. I'm incredibly proud to say I live and work in Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The views across the city and across the Tay are ever-changing and always inspiring. I'm sure few outsiders would think of Dundee as a beautiful city, but everyone who's been here knows.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> What amazes me about Dundee is the friendliness of Dundonians. Just like Glasgow, is it to do with the industrial history of the city? Very sunny, enjoyed every day here as a student!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Getting to know Dundees creative scene is a rich journey of discovery. It's not a city to wear its cultural heart on its sleeve but once you start to squirrel in on what's keeping the artistic pulse beating it turns out the heartbeat is strong, varied, hard hitting and rich. And most of all friendly and welcoming. Come investigate under the skin of the city too...
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is hugely respected outside of Scotland and even outside the United Kingdom for the strength of our scientists. We are on the map for our intellectual contributions of the world and this will continue and grow our the coming years!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The famous Dundee FC.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Despite Dundonians propensity to bemoan and belittle their city , Dundee punches above its weight for many reasons: Two universities that are leaders in their respective fields; University of Dundee, the mature sibling an internationally renowned leader in medicine and cancer research. Abertay, the cocky younger sibling, leading the way in video gaming, forging dynamic international links with major players and its internationally acclaimed ‘Dare to be Digital’ competition. Art with the nationally acclaimed Rep, local amateur companies and the DCA with cutting edge exhibitions and foreign cinema. Accessible history with the McManus Museum, Discovery Point, Verdant Works and the Howff an ‘A’ listed Burial Ground.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Camper down park
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A quite lovely nice city, warm studying atmosphere. close facilities to students, universities of good worldwide reputation. Dundonians are so kind and lovely, they welcome internationals and give them the real feel of home. love you Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A world-wide hub for Life Sciences and creative digital arts. The V&amp;A project will be a potent sign of a city reborn and draw the city to its fantastic waterfront. A city where everyone pulls together to be the best that we can be, and make a difference.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> That the city is constantly changing and developing.
That is a city but feels like a small town.
That it is underrated and undiscovered by many.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Working in Dundee I love the community feel, co-operation and support for all kinds of creative endeavours across the city. It is a warm, friendly place with a great sense of history and we are all ajust bout to rediscover that amazing Tay....oh, and local bears, Comet and Star, at Camperdown have a broch purpose-designed by international artist,Mark Dion who also featured their paw prints in one of his own print editions. Grrrrrrrrrr.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is the only city in Scotland which has a dedicated internet TV channel which anyone can join in and Dundee is just like that it's a place willing to accept new ideas and try out new concepts.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The city is an architecture lover's paradise! The past wealth of the city is clear to see in the architectural beauty of so many buildings.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> My recollection of first travelling out Strathmartin Road by tram will always stay with me. I am pleased that the tram depot is to be reopened as a transport museum. The tram cars were very sociable, they were where you met people, and found out what was going on. The secret was the way the turned, the conductors has to reverse the seats, and the driver changed ends!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> love all the green open spaces - there is so much to do!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> 1. its beautiful setting
2. its unique society - it is/was the stronget matriarchal group in Scotland
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Stunning landscapes, amazingly friendly people, hidden gems such as Lundie Crags, great weather, diversity of talent from computing to biosciences, views over the Tay, free tennis!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee annual half marathon - great value and great race!
Bridgeview Restaurant and T Ann Cake - definitely hidden gems.
Cycling along riverside drive - invigorating and wonderful views
Dundee Law - what a view!
Dundee parkrun - almost a year old and a Saturday morning challenge at Camperdown
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Dundee University campus holds an incredible vibe about it. I remember first starting university and being completely awed by the atmosphere always surrounding the campus and the community spirit of the university. Whether it's your freshers week, a random night out, or even cramming at the library, the fact that all the uni's institutions are contained in this one campus means the place has a constant buzz about it. I doubt there's many other universities that hold the same exciting atmosphere.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A Great Place to live, with stuff always on!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The city is very diverse but has so much to offer visitors from great architecture to sporting centres of excellence. There are fantastic places to eat and so much to do from ice-skating, theatres and cinemas. Dundee really is the place for everyone
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> - Blues Bonanza events
- Secret places
- Easy-going people, who became great friends
- Dukes' Corner

And loads of other stuff
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Artist Matt Stoke's award-winning film 'Long After Tonight' was part of DCA's Our Surroundings exhibition (2005). Matt filmed Northen Soul dancers from across the UK in St Salvadors chuch over two evenings. The result was breathtaking. It brings tears to my eyes everytime I watch it.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Steeped in heritage but with a modern vibe, Dundee is a friendly and cosmoploitan city which somehow manages to maintain a respect for its roots in industry.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Dundee area is like an Aladdins cave of experience, its one of those places where you pick your kids up from school, and could be standing next to a cleaner, a plastic surgeon and an artist. It never ceases to amaze me the variety of people that live here, hiding their lights under very unassuming bushes.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Almost everything about Dundee surprises me. Its location is fabulous, its new found ambition and regeneration of the waterfront, its positive partnership working and its people. All result in a place where culture, creativity and community thrive in spades.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> As visitors, we loved the independent alternative stores like Ozzies and Arkive as well as the lovely Henry's coffee house... Dundee has managed to remain not high-street bland! Great character :) and impossible not to mention Desperate Dan!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I have always been surprised by the richness, diversity and quality of the Dundee music scene. I was brought up in Arbroath so when I was a young teenager, it was difficult to get to Glasgow and Edinburgh for gigs. However, I was never deprived of music as a result of this. I was always just a short bus ride away from experiencing my favourite bands or hearing incredible new live music, be it in small pubs or larger venues. I eventually went on to study in the city, and although I will graduate and leave Dundee this year, it will always hold a special place in my heart as the city that nurtured my love of music.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee, unofficially known as Fundee, due to the happy memories and good times had during my university days. Great people, culture and attitude makes each return visit something to look forward to.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I remain struck by this rugged diamond of the North, a world class centre of education and research in the finest European traditions, embedded in local communities and business while reaching out to virtually every corner of the globe.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its capacity to evolve
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> World-class music events like the Jazz Festival where I saw the Esbjorn Svensson Trio, by far one of the best concerts of my life.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> We love the people. So much energy, so much passion! Some amazing things are going down in Dundee
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love the vibrancy of the city and know that good things are coming for Dundee. It has a great nightlife and is ideally situated for exploring the rest of the country! I love the city square as a great place to watch the world go by!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a place that is reinventing itself.
Arts health, education, culture, history, geography and the people's of Dundee all contribute to to a strong identity and sense of
place for the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> a mélange of cultures, young students from all over the world who feel comfortable and welcome in this city. Dundee has a strong history, and you'll find the roots in every little corner of the town.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The community spirit of Dundee echoes all over the city as friendly and familiar faces are met frequently in unexpected ways, supporting the locals' idea that "Dundee is a small world". The feeling that the people all have the same ties to each other and the place itself gives a unique character to the city. Even people who have not lived in Dundee for a particularly long time find deep attachments to the city and its people, proving that Dundee is more than a hometown - it's a home.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I can't just write about one thing in particular, yet I feel that the University of Dundee and its many different events are vital to the city's culture growth. Talks, shows, films, the list is endless. I have been to many different events that have been planned by the university and/or Dundee Science Centre; Bright Club, Café Science, psychology talks, etc. The public engagement with science is excelsior, many members of the public mention the interest that has been sparked in relation to science.
I personally feel a great amount of pride and excitement knowing that I have been a part of this tremendous cultural growth and being able to contribute to this myself.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> City of youth and ambition
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There is an early 16 century brass astrolabe in the McManus galleries. As an object it represents remarkable craftsmanship, it has a story to tell about seamanship, discovery, imagination, and those whose hands it passed through - it is one unique part of the story of this fascinating city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The range of independent shops, the great work going on at both universities and the focus on education in general.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The resilience of the city and the people - we keep geting knocked down and we still show a unity to keep going until we succeed.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> One of Dundee's hidden secrets is the wonderful night sky which can be seen above and around it - as most Dundonians sleep there can often be see the Northern Lights and rare Noctilucent clouds giving a wonderful backdrop to the city. Dundee is a photographers paradise - from the at times quirky architecture, its stunning location on the Tay, its bridges, its surrounding countryside, and its people - always varied, always individual, always Dundonian :)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The ever changing waterfront
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> At 18 I came to Dundee to rule it out as a uni option. I quickly got lost, where (in the pouring rain) a woman went out of her way and escorted me to the nearest bus stop for Ninewells. That was 1986. I am from Edinburgh. Dundee just felt right, its people with their strange accents are uber-friendly, and I have been here ever since. Dundee is now home.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I studied Fine Art at DJCA and my experience there, the aspiration and belief it had, and that living in the city provided, all instilled aspiration in me beyond measure. The dynamics of being a student in the city was way beyond the comparative scale of the city, the environment was rich in enquiry and expertise, pride in the city was palpable and the attitude positive and open towards everyone. I miss the obvious 'cultural highlights' but I miss the warmth of the people and old Dens Rd Market.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its sunshine ! Its safely !
Love Dundee !
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> when ever i am away driving on the west coast i always look forward to coming back and i can guarantee that when i am coming along the perth dual carriage way i am always on the look out for the top of ninewells hospital then i know i am home,,,its a great site to see......
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dolphins in the Tay,which I can see from my bedroom window.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a great city, with great cultural facilities from the Rep and DCA to the Caird Hall and McManus and many others. There is also a vibrant culture right across the city. Dundee deserves to be the UK City of Culture in 2017 because there is something for everyone.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I studied at Duncan of Jordanstone art and design college. The diverse culture and variety in Dundee made it a great place to live in.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Only in my second year in Dundee, after going to the Fireworks display in Baxter Park, did me and my flatmate go for a wonder and found ourselves at the city quay. We had never known about it and were amazed, it was night time and looked amazing by moonlight. So we walked about and explored the ship near by....it's a lovely part of the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has something for everyone. For those quiet reflective moments when you can sit &amp; listen to the waves lapping and look at the beautiful view of the Tay, the view changing depending on the weather. There are lots of places to visit like the McManus &amp; DCA, there's retail therapy to be had, a quiet pint in the pub or a night out at a gig. I was brought up in Dundee but haven't lived there for many years. I visit family there regularly and am always struck by the friendliness of the people, and also how the city is always evolving and changing.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> What a situation Dundee finds itself in, surrounded by some of the best scenery in the UK. Whether crossing the Tay by road or rail from Fife the view of Dundee is stunning, or approaching from Perth along by the river when the bridges come into view takes my breath away.
Travel just a few miles to the north and the Sidlaws are a Mecca for walkers and Dundee's own hills.
Mustn't forget the Tay,walk in either direction and be rewarded with superb views. Can it get any better?
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The tranquility of Riverside on a Sunday morning, the richness of its history which still reflects throughout the city without hindering its amazing progress, the brilliant diversity of its people, and the never ceasing eruptions of creativity!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a vibrant city. A city we can (and all) love. A city with so much to see, full of heritage. A city with so many creative talents, that inspire so many people. Dundee is a homely city, a city we should be proud of.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The College of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee has a worldwide reputation for excellence. It draws scientists from all over the word to enjoy the city of Dundee
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The daffodils in springtime! The first year I moved to Dundee they were a joy to behold after my first Scottish winter.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee-The place to be!

It will astound you the sheer number of the most famous people in the world who have connections with Dundee- some that have been hidden or forgotten about up until recently - you can google them to find out -e.g Ian Fleming(007 Author) and Daley Thompson(Olympic Athlete).... along with the more well-known ones such as Brian Cox,The Average White Band and Winston Churchill....

Not to forget all the other legends from the worlds of Politics, Music,Theatre,Art,Writers and Sport-George Galloway, Brian Cox, MIchael Marra, Ricky Ross, DannyWilson,
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The hidden work being done to support young people with no hidden agenda except to see the young people develop and reach their potential. The work being done at St Andrews church with the young mother, Hot Chocolate Trust are to name two. Working with these young people are people who believe in the young people of Dundee. The are attempting to play a part in changing the future of Dundee from 'the inside' believing that any sustainable change must be done now to affect the future, and must be done in people not wholly by policies and procedures.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The high level of cultural events, and places to visit
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has the audacity and capacity to repeatedly surprise the world. The city and its people continues to innovate and set new standards in a breathtakingly diverse portfolio of science and the arts
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The sun always shines in Dundee - a walk down by the Tay and the bridge on a beautiful day, so peaceful (and you are still in the middle of the city!).
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has so many "hidden secrets" - people, places organisations that excel and are world-leading in what they do - but we never hear about them. Who would have thought that a Dundee firm most of us have never heard of would have its product in the Clinton Presidential Library in Arkansas!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The multitude of traditional music sessions hidden away in tiny local pubs where the music, people and real ales are welcoming, friendly and always enjoyable.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Twenty odd years ago I was first acquainted with Dundee as a part of the design team for the Discovery project and I now have a home just outside of the city. My main responsibility was the design of things on-board the ship itself which included the flock of sheep (not as big as it could have been) on the shore, etc. It was a period of great energy and creativity, but was grounded in solid research.
At that time there was a lot of talk about how good things in the city could be, and most of it has happened plus a lot more. The later things such as the V&amp;A are an extension of that vision for culture whilst not loosing sight of the past. This is the core of Dundee.
The whole place has a 'life' to it and all of its attractions are not only for visitors, but are of relevance to all who live there.
I am thinking in particular of the McManus, the DCA &amp; the Rep'. It has a dynamic student population and a world class Art &amp; Design School in The Duncan of Jordanstone.

The proposed long term plan for the waterfront looks as though it should work well, and take advantage of the truly wonderful river aspect. But whilst I am glad to see the back of the Council Tower, various blocks of flats &amp; the Olympia pool, the Railway station &amp; the ex Stakis/Hilton might be a loss in terms of architectural progression - not all '70ies was bad.

The Unicorn needs to be integrated much more into the scheme of things, it is a gem, and perhaps a museum of transport and the docks, should be considered, in particular as unlike at a lot of other places, the docks still work.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The City of Dundee has the current 'Scottish Hairdresser of the year' Kay McIntyre who is now in the latest member of and the only Dundonian in the British Hairdressing 'Hall of Fame'
Its also the only hair salon to have won a Regeneration Award and Commendation by the British Civic Trust...Oh and you get a great hair cut too!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love Dundee, I came here as a student in 2006 and never left. It has every thing you could want, the DCA is brilliant with it's mix of cinema, art and educational resources. The REP is one of the best theatres in the country. There are nice places to eat, places to shop and the beach is only a short ride away. One of my favorite places in Dundee is the Howff cemetery. If you have had a busy day is a peaceful place to have a coffee and read a book.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The thrill of crossing the Tay never diminishes. Neither does the heart rate when climbing to the top of the Law to look out over a city full of little gems - including the Holy Trinity of a Perfect Night Out: DCA, the Phoenix and the Istanbul.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The new McManus Galleries are excellent.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its an ah-mazing place to grow up in, even better to move away from but best and easier of all, to return to - little hard to break into but simple to recognise the warm rewarding wit, musical, artistic, academic attitude and talent of people, haphazardly grouped together, all working hard for themselves, each other, ourselves, creating our talented overlooked ambitious little city
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love Dundee's legacy of the three Js - jute, jam and journalism. My great grandparents worked in the jute mills until retirement age. My granny is a dab hand at making raspberry jam, and it's well known that the banks of the Tay are the optimum place to cultivate berries in the world. What would the world be without Dennis the Menace and Desperate Dan? We also have Dundee to thank for D.C. Thomson &amp; Co.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Living out with the city, I find it very uplifting travelling over the bridge to what I consider my hometown. There is a great creative buzz floating around in all that friendliness. DCA, SDT, the Rep to name only a few, have together raised the profile and given us a city to be proud of - Dundonians are proud people and now they have a lot to be proud about!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> My partner and myself, have just returned from a wonderful week on holiday in Dundee.
We were delighted to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and the vibrancy, and the optimism of the Dundee people.
The Macmanus galleries were an absolute pleasure.
There was an exhibition of photography showing the work
of a Scottish photographer, capturing the pop music heritage of Scotland.
Our 'Hidden Treasure' was finding the oldest floating warship HMS Unicorn!
Set in the some of the worlds most magnificent scenery, Dundee, and its people have won our hearts.
We both cannot wait to visit Dundee again.. and soon.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee feels like home. I grew up in the US and have lived here for nearly nine years.
We are a diverse City with everyone pulling together.
My friends include English, Spanish, Nigerian, Turkish, the list goes on.
We are of all faiths.
We also all like coffee and meeting up with the children to chat and play.
It is normal in Dundee to be different!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The abundance of hope, positivity and generosity of spirit apparent across every part of this city
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The diversity of cultures and people in the city. For a small city there are lots of different peoples here. This is reflected in the shops and the langauges you hear on the street, shows that Dundee people embrace equality and diversity
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Baxter Park is an asset which is taken for granted. It's a complete Joseph Paxton Park with many paths to promenade on, grass to lie on(just ignore the rumblings of victorians turning in their graves!), play parks for the children to climb on and a stunning stone pavilion to get married in. When did you last visit or encourage anyone else to visit?
Friends of Baxter park
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The amazing diversity of music available in Dundee - everything from punk, ska, classical, jazz, blues, indie and pop, there's always something going on!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee City...... Scotland's last 'Big Toon'. Where else would you want to be?
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Fewest of people arrive in Dundee with expectations but most of them leave with the fondest of memories. It must be the atmosphere of the people that leave something quite indescribable in the heart of every visitor.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> How much is in the vicinity, culture and golf.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I LOVE DUNDEE !!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The amazing changes which have come about over the last decade
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> How much has changed in the past 5 years and how much will change in the future.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a wonderful play to stay a beautiful place to visit and has a fantastic group of citizens , we have lovely hotels, nice eating places good bars and great night life, 2 football teams an ice hockey team, lovely places to visit in the city and surrounding areas, a great setting on the banks of the river Tay which is currently being developed with attractions to match including the new V&amp;A museum to learn more get yourself here you won't be disappointed

