We Back Dundee as a City of Culture



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the city’s beautiful location on the Tay, some fascinating history and an exciting future.

<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has the most beautiful setting of any city I know. It is built on hills which allow amazing views of the Tay, sometimes from places you don't expect. The view driving down West Park Road never ceases to take my breath away. This, coupled with amazing green spaces and parks, makes it the perfect place to live...and walk, and run.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> At 18 I came to Dundee to rule it out as a uni option. I quickly got lost, where (in the pouring rain) a woman went out of her way and escorted me to the nearest bus stop for Ninewells. That was 1986. I am from Edinburgh. Dundee just felt right, its people with their strange accents are uber-friendly, and I have been here ever since. Dundee is now home.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is musically rich, at any time you can find real talent performing in the city's bars. The history of Dundee's music along with the facilities available to musicians make it a great place to be immersed in music!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Free access to cultural attraction like the McManus
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I am from Dundee myself but live in Norway. The thing I love about being Dundonian is that we are proud of where we come from despite often being the butt of jokes by people from other cities. When I got married in Dundee the Norwegians loved Dundee and Dundonians. There are many famous Dundonians that have contributed a lot to national and international culture. From astronomers to actors. One of my favourite places is the Mills Observatory. Hidden in the trees of Balgay, the observatory is a local gem.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The shining river Tay in all its moods and the 2 bridges that span it. We also enjoyed the dolphins swimming round the children in Broughty Ferry.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There are so many kind people when I walk round the city centre. Who open doors, help me with the pram up stairs, or if I look in difficulty. Photo is of the gorgeous view from my house of an oil rig arriving.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The innovative, DIY attitude!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee City Council&#039;s Housing Support Team.
We are still fairly unknown even by our tenants but can help with a wide range of problems to do with people&#039;s tenancies
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> My 7 year old took a 'fossil' find from the beach to the McManus Galleries in Dundee. The response of the staff was incredible: thoughtful to my 7 year old and very informative from their investigation, in fact an oyster shell from Mediaeval times. We've lived in Dundee for 7 years and there are lots of places to visit, it's a great place for my young children and for us as parents. We enjoy cycling on the Promenade at Broughty Ferry too.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Every time I come back to Dundee I don't feel at home until I have walked beside the river. It is a simple walk but the view is constantly changing. This magnificent bit of water can comfort, excite and rejuvenate. Whenever I show someone around Dundee I do the same walk down to the river. Time and again visitors comment not only on the view but how surprised they are at how everyone we pass smiles and says hello as we walk along. It is surprising how the common connection with the Tay connects its admirers and how, at other times when there is no one, there can be such quiet open space and wide horizons so close to a busy city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> No Body's Fool..... Dundee is the peoples city. Bordering now on all sides by Dundee relocaters Inclduing heading up the coast to Monifieth and beyond....invergowrie and Inchture and beyond including Newport, Tayport and St Andrews. Dundee has a great surrounding of People offering artisan, cultural and musical ideas and delivering something special for and too our City.
To me Dundee has it all .....too small to be a big shot and so different that you canna forget her!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee Half Marathon - friendly and a great atmosphere
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Balgay Hill and the observatory.
The Law hill.
The riverside.
The public parks and good network of path/cycle routes.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Saturday lecture series at Dundee University is a fantastic venture which more people should be aware of. Snapshots of diverse and intriguing subjects for a wide-ranging audience
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee's maritime heritage often overshadowed by Glasgow but non the less ust as important. The Discovery,Unicorn and North Carr.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is an amazing city for dance. We have Smallpetitklein, the School of Contemporary Dance, Scottish Dance Theatre, not to mention thriving Modern Jive, Nothern Soul and Salsa scenes throughout the city. People of all ages (literally), backgrounds and musical tastes can find a place to dance and express their inner selves here, in Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Every time I leave Dundee, I think I'm done with it. I return grudgingly, only to realise that Dundee is not done with me. I rediscover lost pockets of memories. I discover hidden gems. I reconnect with old friends. I engage with new communities. Music, film, photography, games, animation, journalism, fine art... A city full of potential the world has yet to appreciate. It's time.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The availblity of the arts for everyone
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The city of Dundee was the first Scottish city to have suffragettes bringing to light the inequities if the time. When you scratch the surface of our understated city you will find such depth, humour and humanity that this example shoes. Also a rich dialect that will educate visitors-do you know what a circle is? :) Dundee is a truly lovely place
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It's where the heart is!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The best university volleyball club. Almost 30 different nationalities at the University of Dundee Volleyball club.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its cinemas and theatres - such good quality in a smaller city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> That it continually reinvents itself as a city of learning and life. Keep up the good work.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> T Ann Cake! The best coffee and cake in Dundee, brilliant decor and you're always greeted with a cheery smile. Doesn't get better than this.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> magdalen green
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love the view you get when travelling over the Tay Road Bridge towards Dundee at night and seeing the lights and the warm feeling of nearly being home. This City just keeps getting better!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Camperdown park is a great area for the kids and for a lovely walk just as a couple. my favourite place to walk in dundee is right along riverside drive and along to city quay it is a beautiful walk seeing both the tay road bridge and the tay rail bridge in the evening all lit up. the caird hall is fantastic the square outside is a lovely setting for a cuppy at the cafe and just to relax in the square.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The multitude of traditional music sessions hidden away in tiny local pubs where the music, people and real ales are welcoming, friendly and always enjoyable.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The views are superb from everywhere especially from the top of Ninewells Avenue !
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> location, location, location
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I came to Dundee from San Francisco, California to get a masters degree that is not offered anywhere else in the world: a Msc in Design Ethnography. Dundee has fostered such a creative and trail blazing thought culture that its university offers one of a kind degrees and attracts people from the worlds' creative cities to come and live and learn there.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> With Bonnie Dundee you get Scotland in a nutshell.
Red squirrels in the city parks; beautiful Angus hills and wilderness and dolphins on your doorstep and waterfront: Your universities, art college, film school, theatres; the V&amp;A coming and yet a Sunday morning so quiet you can imagine you are in a village long ago where people still walk to, and dress to, go to church.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I just love the variety of things you can do in the city. The latest thing which amazes me is the growing reputation of DOJ-CON.
This should be promoted as part of our culture bid as some of the costumes created for this event are pure art.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has contributed so much to the story of Britain. When it has done so it has done so without making a big noise about it. Dundee in its culture is hard-working, entrepreneurial, daring and resilient. Its character of modesty, coupled with its humanitarian and internationalist outlook, means that few outside Dundee appreciate what Dundee has done for Scotland, Britain, Europe and the wider world because Dundee has not boasted about it. Geographically, Dundee has been quite insular giving its culture a very distinct and individual character which, to the outsider can seem quite dark and obtuse, but humorously so!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The stunning views across the Tay River are a delight.
Dundee's south facing sunny aspect - indeed the only city in Scotland to face South- is a secret bonus.
It has a "can do" attitude giving the City an air of quiet confidence, based on a rich and strong cultural heritage and identity, and a present day wealth in Education and Technology.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The history of Dundee is amazing. Gardynes land in the high street was always for me Dundees best kept secret,however when doors open day in Dundee comes about I'm always amazed at the other hidden treasures Dundee has to offer. As a several generation Dundonian born and bred, I am extremely proud of my culture and heritage. Whether it be the law or the auld steeple Dundee stands proud, as do I.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The friendlinesss of the people, the wonderful location and the amount of green areas.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is so much more than its reputation would have you believe. It's a city with a beautiful setting on the banks of Scotland's longest river, with its multitude of vast green spaces and surrounding hills you almost feel like you're in the middle of the countryside in what is actually the most densely populated part of Scotland after central Glasgow. That sense permeates the city's friendly, accessible culture and first attracted this country boy to study here. That and the incredible strength of the University of Dundee. And the stunning sunsets over the Tay.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> “Up wi the Bonnets O’ Bonnie Dundee - ” Before it was called Hilltown it was Bonnet Hill. Fashion design bonnets (not baseball caps,) bonnets for women and men, jaunty blue bonnets that have Dundee’s crest on them with Bonnie Dundee woven around it - and slogans - for tourists: “City of Culture, Will you no come back Again”
Give the bonnets out to every one in Dundee, if they are stylish, all will wear them - a city with it’s population sporting - City of Culture Bonnets!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> to see so many of the population of dundee walking upright
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There is such a variety of things to do in Dundee, numerous Cafes and Bars. Or a trip to the Science centre is a must.
The city also has wonderful architecture that shows the rich and varied history of Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm excited about the v&amp;a at Dundee coming soon. I also loved the Degree Show trip I had with nursery. The room with wool was fantastic. And going to drama classes at the Rep, an amazing community theatre.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> In Novemeber, I was involved in, and attended the launch of Hayley Scanlan's first fashion collection. The event was at the McManus Galleries.

To see someone from here moving up and gradually becoming a global name in the world of fashion is great for Dundee. It shows the creative side of our city, which may be (unfairly) overshadowed by other which are more normally associated with the arts and creative industries. I.e. Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland and the usual ones south of the border.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is Scotland's place to be for jewellery design! Kate Pickering launched Vanilla Ink last year and gives designers from all over the chance to learn and make in a friendly and supportive environment.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Budding artists used to come to Dundee to study at Duncan of Jordanstone college of Art because its an amazing college but would leave after graduating to live in bigger, more "happening" cities....now they come to DJCAD because it's an amazing college and they stay!
Dundee is now one of the happening cities, overflowing with creative talent with a great vibe.
It IS a city of culture..
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee seems like a city at first glance, but once you spend time in the city you realise it is like a village, impossible to walk through the centre without bumping into people you know.
There are different vibes and culture in the different parts of Dundee and its great to walk around and learn more about each of them.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The city's walkability! The city is ideal for on foot exploration and has a number of great foot/cycle paths over to Fife, up the coast to Arbroath and into the Sidlaws. It's perfect for enjoying Dundee's unique microclimate - I reckon this is what makes the people so special!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> What we like best about Dundee:

Me, my wife and two boys simply love the Grassy Beach Walk from Stannergate to Broughty Ferry. The walk coupled with the views of the sun glistening off the River Tay are simply breathtaking.

Ample reward is to be had at the end of the long pleasant walk with a cold drink or two (alfresco I might add) at the all too inviting Ship Inn by the side of the river.

Where else in the UK can you spot dolphins bobbing in and out of the Silvery Tay and also catch a glimpse of Bob Servant's extension!

Now thats what I call a family walk on a Sunday!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Waterfront
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> having lived in the city off and on for sixty years, the Dundee of today is evolving into a modern 21st century city. Twenty years ago, that seemed unbelievable....
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I moved up from London to Dundee 11 years ago. The same year a watched a few guys emerging from the Tay at Broughty Ferry having swam from Wormit. At the time I thought they must be crazy and now I am one of the 70 or so who once a year in August jump over the wall at the railway bridge to swim the Bridge-to-Bridge. A great event typical of this quirky, friendly and interesting city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Sightseeing from upstairs on the number 73 bus. It runs from Ninewells through Dundee and Broughty Ferry to Arbroath. Amazing views, free wifi and good banter!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The innovative way Broughty Ferry named it's beaches. The sandy beach, the stony beach, and the best one, the grassy beach. Brilliant!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Its contribution to the world at large.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The sunshine, and endless summer days of digging our allotment up on the Law, enjoying a BBQ and the amazing view over to Fife...
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I believe you can walk anywhere in the City and not feel intimidated.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I like Dens Road Market, it's a real treasure trove.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The friendly, generous spirit of the people.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is an undiscovered gem for many people in the UK. Full of creativity, culture, humour and sunshine - it is a vibrant exciting place to be. Straight-talking Dundonians are without a doubt the city's its best asset. I couldn't be prouder to tell anyone in the world that this great place is where I live.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Don't let the reputation fool you. It's way out of date. Dundee was my home for 2011 and 2012 and I enjoyed every minute of it. A beautiful setting for a city looking out across the silvery Tay. I met many good people and the town inspired me to be successful. A part of me will always be from Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Diversity
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> City of youth and ambition
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> For such a small city, Dundee has so much going for it- one of the top art colleges in the UK producing graduates who go on to be Turner prizewinners and scooping most of the awards at the London graduate exhibitions; a multi-cultural society that mixes well; taxi drivers who are full of amazing stories and knowledge; one of the driest, sunniest climates in the UK; gorgeous sunsets!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I think Broughty Ferry is one of Dundee's little gems, lovely little seaside village, great little shops, cafes, bars and restaurants.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Apart from the obvious attractions, etc available in and around Dundee you just have to ask people who are not from Dundee, students , medical trainees, art students, what they think and why they want to stay, it is the warmth,humour and friendliness of dundonians which make this city inviting and a home, there is something for all ages in Dundee.
From Invergowrie to Monifieth, from across the Tay from Fife there is easy access to all amenities and attractions, people want to come back to Dundee.
With future plans e.g. the new train terminal, the museum ,waterfront redelopment Dundee moves on to the future and makes it even more attractive for locals and visitors.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Buzz around the city and the combined excitment about the waterfront no matter who people are.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Rich historic city with vibrant cultural and buisness sectors,
has one of the best waterfronts in europe and comes
alive at night with great friendly people - back the bid!! :-))
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The city seems to surprise other Scots who visit our city , who did not realise what a beautiful city we have. The location next to the river tay is very special.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Working in Dundee I love the community feel, co-operation and support for all kinds of creative endeavours across the city. It is a warm, friendly place with a great sense of history and we are all ajust bout to rediscover that amazing Tay....oh, and local bears, Comet and Star, at Camperdown have a broch purpose-designed by international artist,Mark Dion who also featured their paw prints in one of his own print editions. Grrrrrrrrrr.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Despite the temporary chaos, the city is being modernised and regenerated, and will soon be marvellous, centrally situated, excellent infrastructure.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I am not from Dundee and have travelled all my life living all over the UK and abroad. Dundee is rich because of its people and how they are loyal to their history, everyone in Dundee and anything past and present that is produced in Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The sense of humour of the people is one of its greatest assets. I remember seeing an advertisement on the end of a bus shelter with a man smiling and holding a baby.. I can't remember what the product it was trying to sell, but beside the image of the man, someone had written 'baldy'. I thought that graffiti was genius, concise to the point and very funny. All in 1 word.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee's location at the mouth of the Tay offere unparalled natural beauty and light unlike any other.

The natural sense of pride the locals have in their city is well-deserved, it has incredible history from it's exporting days, fantastic educationional establishments today and a never ending culture of change in the lifestyles and culture of its people.

I lived there, first as a student and then working, for 17 years. I love the place. Sitll do. The best friends I have in this world still live there. There's a reason for that too.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I moved here for University in the summer, the friendliness of the locals and the incredible architecture has surprised me the most. Dundee boasts the most incredible scenery of any city in the UK.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> There's so much singing going on! There are loads of choirs in the city, formal and informal, singing so many different kinds of music - sacred choral, chamber music, Renaissance, Baroque, traditional Scottish, contemporary musicals, Gaelic - whatever you want to sing! Loadsaweeminsinging! (And men).
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a city that is green, warm in the summer and has a good community spirited people. Having moved up from Plymouth 6 years ago and lived here with my wife in Tayside in a multicultural relationship I have been accepted as part of the community and has had few problems.

Dundee is a family orientated city with lots of family activities that are cost effective.
After returning from Plymouth when I see the sign welcome to Dundee, I get that feeling of being at home.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> With the whole country in what feels like a downward spiral of negativity, Dundee seems to buck that trend just now and there is a real sense of optimism. The physical transformation of the city undoubtedly contributes to a positive mindset, but in this case the mindset seems to be based on more than just bricks and mortar. Open minds, and a belief that things can be better if you are willing to work to make them better are setting the city up nicely for a great future which does justice to its great history.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee, my home city, always has something new to offer, after 30 years here im still finding new things to do and see. :)
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Sitting in front of St Mary Magdalene's church in the summer watching the world go by.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> It's a city in the country. See deer and squirrels while playing golf at Camperdown, a sparrowhawk in the City Square, seals at Riverside, dolphins in the Tay at the Stannergate, and of course the whale at the MacManus!
And - it's a city with a thirst for learning. Public lectures and exhibitions from a variety of providers draw curious and interested crowds eager to have something more than the football to talk about!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Magdalen Green Bandstand on a bright morning standing majestically looking out over the Tay - surely one of the most picturesque views in Scotland...
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I think the city deserves this time in the sun (fingers crossed and not just a the UK's sunniest city) as so much more to Dundee than jam and jute. It is a city with swagger and one of Scotland's best kept secrets
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I'm always surprised by the fantastic range of shops and galleries in the west end/perth road area selling local handcrafted items, many of which have been made or designed by current and former duncan of jordanstone students. Many of these places are very unassuming, however have been there for years- proving how much the local residents value the creations on sale. The lindeen gallery in particular is a highlight.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The climbing wall in the church-I think it surprises most of the people coming from continental Europe.
But what I like about Dundee the most is the international environment, especially within the College of Life Sciences. We are a bunch of strangers gathered here from all around the world, and we really stick together, we are a family here, far away from home. I lived in Hungary and France before, but nowhere is as easy to find friends as it is in Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I love RARA and the pretty vacant showrooms and the creativity it encourages through selling vintage and pieces from local designers. It's like a little treasure chest.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> What suprises me? -the people! The people of Dundee really do make the city. Because of its size there are familiar faces at most events but a lot of new ones too - the Dundee natives are a friendly bunch and are slowly but surely changing the attitudes of people who think of the city as a poor relation with nothing going on. We have a lot to shout about!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> it is the best city in the world and where I was born and most of my family live. Best schools and football team in DUFC.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> women were appreciated and treated with respect as they were the breadwinners during the war period and after as many worked in the jute mills to earn money for the family.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Ever since my wife and I moved to Dundee, we have been delightfully surprised by so many public lectures on various topics in the forms of Saturday Night Lecture Series, Arts Cafe and Science Cafe. I had my favourite book singed by the author in one of the lectures. In addition, the City is full of exciting galleries, restaurants and cafes, many of which are used for the public lectures. Surrounding the City, there are so many breathtaking natural sceneries, which are very much intellectually stimulating and at the same time emotionally comforting.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee's thriving, inclusive and dynamic underground music scene is what makes it amazing to me. There is a tight knit - yet welcoming- group of humans who are constantly bringing new music and memorable nights to the the people of Dundee.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Hidden gem of Scotland
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee has been a thriving cultural hub for decades if not centuries. With the refurbishment of the McManus Galleries the Dundee story has been well expressed and both reflected and built upon. The creation of the V&amp;A and the building of a new railway station by 2017 will allow Dundee to be more easily shared with the rest of the UK and the city of culture status would further evidence that we as a city have an exciting future ahead.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The Goldilocks analogy definitely fits Dundee juuust right! It's a cheeky chappy of a city with lots of surprises to keep you smiling (SPOILER: mosaic waiters will greet you outside Agacan, a fierce dragon rules the high street and penguins waddle around a triple whammy mega church, which faces Mecca)...

When the sun is shining and the water's sparkling, life feels pretty darn Dandy here, sprawled out on Magdalene Green or Baxter Park with some good tunes and funny people.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The quality of the live music you hear for free in the pubs. And the beach at Broughty.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> 1) Old train tunnel through Law hill- could reopen as exhibit
2) River cruises- Tay is beautiful. Could get more like Taymara.
3) Mills Observatory- only free public one in UK &amp; great fun at nights
4) James Chalmers- inventor of stamps. Could have international philately expo
5) James Bowman Lindsay- first inventor of lightbulb. Could have huge illuminated lightbulb sculpture or combine with-
6) Could have UK's first "Bellagio" style water fountain combining movement and classical music.
7) Jimmy Shand- lived in Dundee and bought his first accordian there. Could have National Accordian Championship like Glasgow's successful Piping Championships.
For more ideas- email me!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee folk have the driest wit on the planet. Their quick humour requires a very thick skin. However this goes hand in hand with true kindness and community spirit. I love Dundee!
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> A world-wide hub for Life Sciences and creative digital arts. The V&amp;A project will be a potent sign of a city reborn and draw the city to its fantastic waterfront. A city where everyone pulls together to be the best that we can be, and make a difference.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> At first it always feels like something might not be 'right' for Dundee but there's such a diversity of people and interests that anything you want to create or do, you can find an audience for.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Dundee is a multicultural city with a wonderful, supportive creative community. It is also the sunniest city in Scotland, which makes it a fantastic place to live, discover and grow in.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Balgay Cemetry is my most favourite, beautiful, quiet place. A place for reflection and peace with the most stunning views from up high right down to the Silvery Tay. Just don't tell everyone....
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The art scene has lots of little underground/pop-up/interesting goings-on that most people in the city are unaware of even
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The ability to go from modern sights to historical and cityscape to countryside and all in one walk and if your lucky a good icecream and seeing some dolphins at the end
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The amazing location of the city.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Spending 4 years with an eclectic group of students, from across the globe, engaged in learning, interaction and growing up. Formative experiences were the foundations for what we have subsequently become.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> The people - having spent over half my life in Scotland and been in Dundee since 2000 I have to say that the folk of Dundee are a constant source of surprise and cheeriness. They are the most down to earth and genuine folk you could meet. Everyone smiles at one another and Dundee is the most welcoming of places. Folk are engaged and love where they live and where they are from. Dundonians are a truly passionate bunch and make the city what it is.....one of the most dynamic and extraordinary cities I have ever been.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> I think that Dundee has one of the most beautiful locations for a city in the whole of the UK. The city's views over the River Tay never fail to make me stop and take a moment. The river brings a serenity to the city, it's like living in a vibrant seaside town.
<b>Q) What surprises you about the city?</b><br><hr><b>A)</b> Lazy summer days at Magdalen Green. Chilli dogs in the Phoenix. Taking in an exhibition or two at DCA. Sun (decent amounts of it). Friendly attitudes. Fiddlers in Mennies. The Mandarin Garden (self proclaimed best chinese in scotland). Beaches on your doorstep. Countryside at your backdoor. The openness to change. The Big-Little city. Dundee.

