My strongest memories from growing up in Dundee are tangled in the city’s wildlife, and the spaces that allow it to thrive.
I loved feeding the ducks, and netting for stickle-backs at Stobsmuir Ponds, watching the annual transformation of tadpoles into frogs in Baxter Park, catching crickets in the long grass at the Den O’Mains, seeing lazy seals basking on the sand banks under the rail bridge over the Tay, watching peaceful herons resting in low branches over the Dighty Burn and visiting the stately swans at Broughty Ferry beach.
The many beautiful parks and waterways in the city, and the beaches and walkways along our incredible river, provide spaces for wildlife to thrive and for our communities to come together.
I think all Dundonians share a strong connection to the Tay, the Law, Camperdown and the parklands across the city. These places are woven into our group identity. While they aren’t always stumbled upon by outsiders, they are an important part of our cultural heritage and yet another reason why Dundee is a brilliant place to live!